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She drove him off to Texas, where he pretended to have some business or other. Dick, she erected a monument to you that cost a stack o' money. You can see it from the Chester square, looming up like a ghost." "The hell you say!" "Not only that, but she sent off for a silver-tongued preacher and had your funeral preached in bang-up style." "Good Lord! What did she do that for?"

"Well," said the sublime being in shirt sleeves from behind the counter, "see what you can do; and if you can't make it, come back here an' lemmeno, and we'll fix you up in some other place. But Lake San Andreas has been bang-up this last week been some great kills there; hope to the deuce you can make it." Everything now hinged upon this permit.

When we got out of the gorge, coming down so quietly as we were, we saw any amount of game. Got a moose right on the bank! Gee! that was good meat! And at night, say it was out o' sight! sitting there talking about going home, and watching the trees march past, and a bang-up show of Northern lights up above! It was pretty cold.

The cocktail was a rare sherry, the steaks were broiled to a turn, and the salad dressing was a wonder. She had her cheese just ripe enough, and samovar coffee to wind up with what more do you want? I serve wine myself, but champagne keeps you thirsty all night, and other wines put me to sleep. I don't miss wine! I call it a bang-up dinner, don't you, Parker?"

"Throw that shirt away," said Arkwright, with a contemptuous switch of his cane. "Put on another. You're not dressing for a shindy in a shack." "But it's the only one of my half-dozen that has a bang-up bosom." "Bang-up? That sheet of mottled mica?" Craig surveyed the shiny surface ruefully. "What's the matter with this?" he demanded. "Oh, nothing," replied Arkwright, in disgust.

"I've had a perfectly bang-up evening," said Jimmy to Violet a little later when he took his leave. "I know you have," she said dryly. Then, with a change of manner, "But I have, too, Jimmy. You believe that, don't you?" "Sure I do," he said, and shook hands with her all over again. Violet was a good sort. Riding home in the elevated train, Jimmy Wallace hummed what he conceived to be a tune.

We'll be mighty lucky if he doesn't see fit to order us out of that cabin we've gone to all the trouble to fix bang-up." Then the housekeeper spoke. "I'm sorry, but you mustn't expect to get anything here. This place belongs to Mr. Aaron Dennison. No doubt you have heard of him. He has lived here almost alone for many years now, and will brook no intrusion.

They were so interested in the mate's story that they forgot to take a car, and walked up Clay Street talking it over, suggesting, rearranging, and embellishing; and Condy was astonished and delighted to note that she "caught on" to the idea as quickly as he, and knew the telling points and what details to leave out. "And I'll make a bang-up article out of the whaleback herself," declared Condy.

Aunt Ellen she says you're so awful keen on s'prisin' other folks that we'd show you an' an' you'll have a bang-up Christmas with kids like you love an' so will I, an' so will they an' the minister he went to the city and found seven boys crazy for Christmas in the country an' " "Roger! Roger!" came Aunt Ellen's gentle voice "do please take a breath, child. You're turning purple."

"The moment I get back to London," continued Hornby imperturbably, "I'm going to stand myself a bang-up dinner at the Ritz. Then I shall go and see some musical comedy at the Gaiety, and after that, I'll have a slap-up supper at Romano's. England, with all thy faults, I love thee still!" he finished piously.