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The bodices cut extremely low both back and front; the fantastical head-dresses, designed to attract notice; here a cap from the Pays de Caux, and there a Spanish mantilla; the hair crimped and curled like a poodle's, or smoothed down in bandeaux over the forehead; the close-fitting white stockings and limbs, revealed it would not be easy to say how, but always at the right moment all this poetry of vice has fled.

Under her eyebrows are a pair of enormous eyes, which she is in the habit of turning constantly ceiling-wards. Her hair is rather scarce, and worn in bandeaux, and she commonly mounts a sprig of laurel, or a dark flower or two, which with the sham tour I believe that is the name of the knob of artificial hair that many ladies sport gives her a rigid and classical look.

'This is my sister, Prudentia Mrs. Coles, she said. 'It is Miss Kennedy, Prudentia. A most gracious, not to say ingratiating, bend and smile of Mrs. Coles answered this. She was a tall, thin figure, dressed in black. It threw out the pale face and flaxen bandeaux and light grey eyes into the more relief. 'I am delighted to see Miss Kennedy, she said. 'It is quite a hoped-for pleasure.

"I am tired of these bandeaux," she explained, smilingly. "My friends tell me that curls will become me infinitely better." "Your friends have reason," acquiesced Indiman; "but tell me, madame, did you receive my note?" "I did, senor, and I return you a thousand thanks. Ah, how these pigs of detectives have tortured me! you would never believe it.

She searched everywhere for a note, for some sign that he had been here; but there was no object in the place not covered with dust. Then, sunk in a stupor, she drove to the little house in Greenwich Village. Her ring was answered by Parr's niece, the woman with the sleek bandeaux. Mr. Teck had been here twice, the second time late last night. On that occasion he had taken Parr away with him.

At the date at which our story commences, she was a comely little woman, past forty, somewhat below the middle height, rather embonpoint, as widows of forty should be, with pretty fat feet, and pretty fat hands; wearing just a soupcon of a widow's cap on her head, with her hair, now slightly grey, parted in front, and brushed very smoothly, but not too carefully, in bandeaux over her forehead.

In her hair were glints of a curiously-wrought chain, wound under and among the bandeaux; on her wrists, plump and dimpled as a baby's, more chain-work of the like precious metal, ending in tinkling fringe that swung, glittering, to and fro, with the restless motion of the elfin hands, she never ceased to clasp and chafe and fret one with the other, while she thus stood and awaited the decision of her companions.

How came you to be so white, when your mother is the blackest slave papa owns?" A scarlet flush rose to the quadroon's cheek. "My father, Miss, was as white as your own." "Were you born here, Minn?" "My mother was in your father's service when she gave me birth, Miss Della. Will you have your bandeaux single or double for this evening?"

She was inclined to admire a man for loving her, as a serious and solemn-thinking woman, with bandeaux and convictions, admires a clergyman for doing his duty. Carey had done his duty with such fiery ardour that, though she did not prevent her husband from kicking him out of the house, she could not refrain from thinking well of him.

Her eyes, avoiding his look of humble devotion, roamed over the walls, as if she were considering the advisability of more Delia Robbia plaques. The niece, with her sleek brown bandeaux and fifteenth century profile, passed noiselessly through the hall; and presently a smell of cooking entered the sitting room. "As late as that?"