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Unfortunately, the Puritans, in the time of Edward VI., pulled this famous cross down. They were in great force there; for as Drunken Barnaby, in his tour, tells us: "There I found a Puritan one, Hanging of his cat on Monday For killing of a rat on Sunday." At Banbury was fought, after the English fashion, one of the great fights that preceded the carrying of the Reform Bill.

"I have never had the pleasure of a meal at the Home," Mr. Randolph was eating a Banbury turnover with plain enjoyment. "I suppose you ladies are treated to this sort of thing every day." "We have a pretty good cook," answered Miss Sterling discreetly; "but these pies are of Mrs. Dudley's make. Polly brought the lunch." "Oh!" The man's eyebrows raised themselves a little. "Then I should say, Mrs.

Oft have I ridden to Banbury Cross on my mother's foot, and when I saw that sign and pointing finger I felt like leaving all and flying thence. Just beyond the bridge, settled snugly in a forest of waving branches, we see storied old Warwick Castle, with Cæsar's Tower lifting itself from the mass of green.

Of all the men of colonial times Franklin was the greatest. Benjamin was the fifteenth child of his father, a sturdy English Nonconformist who some years before had emigrated from Banbury in England to Boston in America. As the family was so large the children had to begin early to earn their own living.

I've been ashamed, near crying, sorry, glad, mad, and just about all knocked out in the last five minutes. Oh, that measly Banbury mob! And oh, that miserable Gill Mace!" "What's happened, Bob?" "Why, I went to the library with the president, and told him manfully that the Mace fellow had insulted the best friend I had, you, and that I couldn't stand for it and just had to land him one."

These are to be infused in some of the best white-wine vinegar; and after standing a fortnight or three weeks, it will be fit for use. BANBURY CAKES. Work a pound of butter into a pound of white-bread dough, the same as for puff paste; roll it out very thin, and cut it into bits of an even form, the size intended for the cakes.

"What's wrong?" uttered Ned breathlessly, as Banbury, with a jump and kicking up his heels derisively at the Ritchie group, shot by the starting post on the second spurt with Bob fully ten yards to the rear. "Bob is lamed," said Frank in consternation. "See, he's limping." "Go it, Bob!" yelled the voices of a dozen loyal friends. Bob looked haggard and unfit.

After the meeting was over, he was induced to visit a "Friend" then confined in Banbury jail, whom he found preaching through the grates of his cell to the people in the street.

In the religious cult of Gad and Meni, practised with such enthusiasm at Quicksands, the Saints' days were polo days, and the chief of all festivals the occasion of the match with the Banbury Hunt Club Quicksands's greatest rival. Rival for more reasons than one, reasons too delicate to tell.

And here's a Banbury cake for you I sent to the town for it, and some taffy won't ye eat it? and here's a little ring 'tisn't as pretty as your own rings; and ye'll wear it, maybe, for my sake poor Milly's sake, before I was so bad to ye if ye forgi' me; and I'll look at breakfast, and if it's on your finger I'll know you're friends wi' me again; and if ye don't, I won't trouble you no more; and I think I'll just drown myself out o' the way, and you'll never see wicked Milly no more.