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When Hesdad Brook is at all full one can make his way through only with great difficulty and by boldly breasting its waters. Therefore it is that very few people have ever seen the gate of Torda Gap. Just above this narrow gateway is situated the natural excavation in the mountainside, called from its last defender, Balyika Cave.

Complying with his brother's instructions, Aaron broke up his quarters at Balyika Cave early the next morning, and, descending with Blanka to the bed of the stream, led her up the valley to Porlik Grotto, one of nature's wonders known to few and seldom visited.

When we reach the Borev Bridge we are as good as at home, and we shall be there before any one can overtake us, I'll warrant." "But what if the Torda woods are held by the enemy?" queried Manasseh. "Then we will take up our quarters for the present in Balyika Cave. Everything is provided there for our comfort, and we shall not suffer. We'll wait until the danger passes.

He told her how Balyika, the last lord of this castle, had held it for years against the imperial troops; even after Francis Rakoczy's surrender he had refused to lay down his arms, but had maintained his position with a sturdy band of a hundred mountaineers.

One evening, when she went to keep an appointment with Balyika, she notified the village magistrate and the captain of the yeomen. These two took an armed force and surrounded the lovers' rendezvous, thinking thus at last to capture their man.

He soon returned, and reported that it would be easy to wade their horses through the gateway, after which they could go and view the wonders of Balyika Cave. "But aren't there any snakes in the cave?" was Blanka's first and most natural inquiry. Every woman in her place would have put the same question.

Is it far from here?" exclaimed Blanka, eagerly, starting up from her seat. She had lost all feeling of fatigue. "It is a good distance, dear sister-in-law," replied Aaron. "To the Torda Gap is a full hour's ride, and thence to Balyika Glen about as far; and I'm afraid somebody is tired enough already, so that we had best stay overnight in the mill and not push on until to-morrow morning."

Near the Balyika Gate we shall find a signal: a cord will be stretched from one rock to another, and a red rag hung on it if danger threatens, but a green twig if all is well." "And when you first proposed in Kolozsvar that we should go home by way of Torda Gap, did you know the perils we should have to face?" "Certainly," replied Aaron.

It is a splendid garden of wild flowers, and there you will see the cave of the famous Balyika, he was Francis Rakoczy's general. Thence it is only a step to the Szekler Stone, and we are at home. Do you like to walk in the woods?" "Nothing better!" Here Manasseh pulled his brother's sleeve. "Do you really mean to take us by the way of Torda Gap?" he whispered.

"But the berries will do to put in my bouquets for your two brothers who are coming to meet us," she said, as she seated herself on the sheepskin to rest a few minutes and to tie up her flowers. At these words Aaron's eyes filled, but he hastened to reply, with assumed cheerfulness: "In Balyika Glen we shall find a still more beautiful species of bear-berry.