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Were I, therefore, to break the bond which I have so lately formed with Albany, the consequence must be civil war, an event ruinous to poor Scotland while threatened by invasion from the activity of the Percy, backed by the treachery of March. No, Balveny, the punishment of Albany must rest with Heaven, which, in its own good time, will execute judgment on him and on his house."

"We will not hesitate an instant," said the Douglas to his near kinsman, the Lord Balveny, as soon as they returned from the dungeon. "Away with the murderers! hang them over the battlements." "But, my lord, some trial may be fitting," answered Balveny. "To what purpose?" answered, Douglas. "I have taken them red hand; my authority will stretch to instant execution.

Yet stay have we not some Jedwood men in our troop?" "Plenty of Turnbulls, Rutherfords, Ainslies, and so forth," said Balveny. "Call me an inquest of these together; they are all good men and true, saving a little shifting for their living.

As they rode through the forest, they looked back, and beheld the three bodies hanging, like specks darkening the walls of the old castle. "The hand is punished," said Douglas, "but who shall arraign the head by whose direction the act was done?" "You mean the Duke of Albany?" said Balveny.

"You see this trifling implement," said the criminal, showing the silver pen. "By means of this I can escape the power even of the Black Douglas." "Give him no ink nor paper," said Balveny, hastily, "he will draw a spell."

"But not a word," replied Douglas, sternly smiling, "of his being flung into a dungeon famished strangled. Away with the wretches, Balveny, they pollute God's air too long!" The prisoners were dragged off to the battlements.

"The Douglas never alters his doom," said Balveny. "But thou shalt have all thy rights. Send the cook hither with a cleaver." The menial whom he called appeared at his summons. "What shakest thou for, fellow?" said Balveny; "here, strike me this man's gilt spurs from his heels with thy cleaver. And now, John Ramorny, thou art no longer a knight, but a knave.

Nearer Inverness, we have Balveny, Castle-Stewart, and Cawdor. The same foreign influence is exhibited in our street architecture, some specimens of which are engraved in the work to which we have referred.

To the halter with him, provost marshal! hang him betwixt his companions, and higher than them if it may be." In a quarter of an hour afterwards, Balveny descended to tell the Douglas that the criminals were executed. "Then there is no further use in the trial," said the Earl. "How say you, good men of inquest, were these men guilty of high treason ay or no?"

"Nay," said the mediciner, "I have but a single word to say, and yonder nobleman's valiancie may hear it if he will." Lord Balveny approached, with some curiosity; for the undaunted resolution of a man who never wielded sword or bore armour and was in person a poor dwindled dwarf, had to him an air of something resembling sorcery."