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It was a half-pint flask, and it was full when Casey, with Joe's eyes fixed upon him, tilted it and began to drink. Under Joe's baleful glare Casey emptied the flask before he stopped. Joe settled his shoulders comfortably against the doorway and watched Casey make for the water bucket. "I claim that's the out-kickin'est stuff that ever was made on Black Butte. How'd yuh like it?"

If to these evils be added the combinations and angry contentions to which such a course of things gives rise, with their baleful influences upon the legislation of Congress touching the leading and appropriate duties of the Federal Government, it was but doing justice to the character of our people to expect the severe condemnation of the past which the recent exhibitions of public sentiment has evinced.

Hitherto, save an occasional incursion into the territory of the "Knock-knees," a rival tribe, they had limited their depredations to the vicinity. But lately a baleful change had come over them. Acting under some evil influence, they now pushed their warfare into the white settlements, carrying fire and destruction with them.

The skipper favoured him with a baleful stare. "All right," said the mate, angrily, "go your own way, then. Don't come to me when you get into trouble, that's all." Flower passed on his way in silence. Then a thought struck him and he stopped suddenly. "You wish to speak to me?" he asked, stiffly. "No, I'm damned if I do," said the mate, sticking his hands into his pockets.

Whither is he driving forth from the Panachaean land so great a host of heroes? On one day they would waste the palace of Aeetes with baleful fire, should he not yield them the fleece of his own goodwill. But the path is not to be shunned, the toil is hard for those who venture."

So in the inland districts of Ceram, when smallpox or other sickness is raging, the priest strikes all the houses with consecrated branches, which are then thrown into the river, to be carried down to the sea; exactly as amongst the Wotyaks of Russia the sticks which have been used for expelling the devils from the village are thrown into the river, that the current may sweep the baleful burden away.

To try and resuscitate attachments of this sort is as if one should try to open the grave and give life to the dead. God alone can work miracles such as these. The Marquis de Bragelonne, Officer of the Guards. His Baleful Love. His Journey. His Death. The Marquis de Bragelonne was born for Mademoiselle de la Valliere.

The hidden son had become master of the sire, and all the host of Heaven melted into a single star which poured its baleful fire into his face the treacherous star of Hope. And so he strove with augmenting strength, his goal the highest, his guerdon the immortelles.

If Charley had been less engaged with his own thoughts, he would have noticed the curious baleful look in the eyes of the tailor; but he was deeply absorbed in a struggle that had nothing to do with Louis Trudel. The old fever of thirst and desire was upon him. All morning the door of Jolicoeur's saloon was opening and shutting before his mind's eye, and there was a smell of liquor everywhere.

"Yes," went on Bunker thrusting out his jaw in a baleful leer at his rival, "for many years he has had the proud distinction of being the Champion Rough-Riding Barber of Arizona." "Vell, I've got to go," murmured the Professor hastily, "I've got to find dem burros." He started off but at the plank across the creek he stopped and cleared his throat.