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Never was anybody less like a dream than the Prince; never was anybody more squarely, more certainly real. And he was of her own kind, of her own world. He and she were equals. They could talk together plainly, baldly, a talk ungarnished and unretarded by deferences on the one side and on the other a kindness apt to become excessive in its anxiety not to appear to condescend.

"A Persian cat doesn't talk much, I admit, but it is a most fascinating piece of mystery when it sits still and says nothing. And Miss Gibbs may in reality be just as mysterious." "Oh, you're impossible!" Barry spoke impatiently, and Owen's manner changed. "Come, Barry, confess the truth. You're afraid Toni will jump at me to put it baldly.

Ann began to speak at once, anticipating the first question which she knew the other would be sure to put. It would be better to get it over at once. "I didn't go to the yacht," she said baldly. "Brett wired me not to come." Cara nodded. "I know. But I went," she answered quietly. "You?" Ann stared at her. "You went to the yacht!" she repeated in tones of stupefaction. "Yes.

It was a condition not to be expressed by such terms as a gratified church might have been able to concede by some elevation to a higher sphere of influence or other worldly favour; it was a figure baldly commercial, expressible, that is, in pounds, shillings and pence. "You've got some cheek, Freddy," was all she could bring herself to say.

She really thought that.... So Leonora said patiently: "Very well, just put it that I killed her and that it's a painful subject. One does not like to think that one had killed someone. Naturally not. I ought never to have brought her from India." And that, indeed, is exactly how Leonora looked at it. It is stated a little baldly, but Leonora was always a great one for bald statements.

Baldly speaking, he had cherished a fleeting fancy for Fanny Dodge, a sort of love in idleness, which comes to a man like the delicate, floating seeds of the parasite orchid, capable indeed of exquisite blossoming; but deadly to the tree upon which it fastens. He had resolved to free himself. It was a sensible resolve. He was glad he had made up his mind to it before it was too late.

The principles of good dressing cannot be laid down baldly and coldly, like mathematical rules, for the guidance of a girl palpitating with youthful and beauty-loving instincts. The mother who says, merely, "Certainly not. You don't need them.

Mina thought great things of the girl, and even greater, if vaguer, of the title. "I should just think so," she replied complacently. There was a limit to the perversity even of the Tristrams. "We mustn't put it too baldly," observed Southend, dangling his eyeglass. "Oh, he'll think more of the thing itself than of how we put it," Lady Evenswood declared.

Be sure of our facts, and keep theories out of the system like poison. And when we say anything we should say it concisely and baldly, without eloquence and frills. Lord, how I loathe eloquence! 'But you can't get away from it, darling. All right, don't mind me, I like it.... Well now, what are you going to do about it? Teach in a continuation school? 'No, he said, seriously. 'No.

It would do much to secure the choice of the Good, if there were a clear recognition by all young persons of the fact that they have the choice to make, and are really making it unconsciously. If they could be brought, like Solomon, to put their ruling wish into plain words, many who are not ashamed to yield to unworthy desires would be ashamed to speak them out baldly.