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Balderby to send some one to meet me very civil indeed." The Anglo-Indian's head sank back upon the morocco cushion of the easy-chair, and he looked languidly at his companion, with half-closed eyes. Joseph Wilmot removed his hat. "I don't think you've looked at me very closely, have you, Mr. Dunbar?" he said. "Have I looked at you closely!" exclaimed the banker.

Arthur Lovell listened, with a strange expression upon his face. If Henry Dunbar was pale, Henry Dunbar's legal adviser was still more so. The jurymen stared aghast at the coroner, as if they had been awe-stricken by his impertinence towards the chief partner of the great banking-house of Dunbar, Dunbar, and Balderby.

Let him go with you." "Yes, Mr. Balderby," exclaimed the young man, "I beg you to allow me to accompany you. I shall be very glad to be of service to Mr. Dunbar." Mr. Balderby hesitated for a few moments. "Well, I really don't see why you shouldn't go, if you wish to do so," he said, presently. "Mr. Dunbar says he wants a lawyer; he doesn't name any particular lawyer.

The Anglo-Indian sat in his private sitting-room at the George Hotel, writing, and examining his papers perpetually writing, perpetually sorting and re-sorting those packets of letters in the despatch-box while he waited for the coming of Mr. Balderby. The postponement of the coroner's inquest was a very good thing for the landlord of the Foresters' Arms.

I suppose the real truth of the matter is, that you have heard of something better, and you are ready to give us the go-by in order to improve your own circumstances?" said Mr. Balderby, with a tone of pique; "though I really don't see how you can very well be better off anywhere than you are here," he added, thoughtfully.

"You will write to Miss Dunbar to-night, will you not, sir?" the young man said at last. "I fear that she will have been very anxious about you all this day. She was alarmed by your message to Mr. Balderby." "I shall not write," said the banker; "for I hope to see my daughter to-night." "You will leave Winchester this evening, then?" "Yes, by the 10.15 express.

That wealth consisted of a splendid estate in Warwickshire; another estate, scarcely less splendid, in Yorkshire; a noble mansion in Portland Place; and three-fourths of the bank. The junior partner, Mr. Balderby, a good-tempered, middle-aged man, with a large family of daughters, and a handsome red-brick mansion on Clapham Common, had never possessed more than a fourth share in the business.

The revelation of Joseph Wilmot's guilt left me free to return to my old position in the house of Dunbar, Dunbar, and Balderby. But I had no heart to go back to the old business now the hope that had made my commonplace city life so bright seemed for ever broken.

Balderby: the Scriptures tell us that; and take my word for it, evil consequences are sure to come from evil deeds." "But to return to the story of the forged bills," said Mr. Austin, the cashier, looking at his watch as he spoke. He was evidently growing rather impatient of the old clerk's rambling talk. "To be sure, sir, to be sure," answered Sampson Wilmot.

Dunbar had shown very great concern and anxiety about the absence of his companion, and had declined to eat his dinner until nine o'clock. This closed the evidence; and the jury retired. They were absent about a quarter of an hour, and then returned a verdict of wilful murder against some person or persons unknown. Henry Dunbar, Arthur Lovell, and Mr. Balderby went back to the hotel.