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"Say, Balcom," hastened one of them, "some one is on your trail, shadowing you." Paul was startled and furious, but in this emergency it was Dora who thought out the plan of action. "In a taxicab?" she repeated, as the others told what they had seen outside. "Listen to me, Paul. Go to the window and show yourself. Then leave the house.

It was Paul Balcom, son of Herbert Balcom, and Paul was engaged to Eva thus giving Balcom a stronger hold over Brent. Locke knew enough about Paul to dislike him thoroughly and to distrust him. Had Locke been able to see over the hedge he would have confirmed his suspicions.

When Balcom had alighted from his car half an hour before he had merely stood for a moment in front of the door of the house when, mysteriously, the door had opened. There was no one in sight. But he was so familiar with the house that it might have been his own. He descended a flight of stairs and stood before another door, where the same door-opening process was repeated.

"A very good morning, Paul," emphasized Balcom, quite unctuously, as he went on to tell his son of the supposed quarrel between Eva and Locke which he had overheard. A light of triumph came into Paul's eyes. Eva's happiness, even her life, meant nothing to him. She was merely a means to his own evil ends and he now felt sure that he held her in his grasp.

Then they hurried up to his laboratory. There Locke procured a developing-bag and started to work. Nervously and impatiently Eva and Zita watched him at his task. At last the negative was ready and Locke drew it from the bag and held it to the light. There, glaring out of the plate, was the devilish face of Balcom! Eva and Zita both uttered a cry of astonishment and consternation.

Up and down the passageway they fought. Although Locke was the younger man, yet in Balcom he found a giant of strength. It was a fight between these two alone, for no emissary, no Automaton, now entered that passage of death. Neither uttered a sound. Neither had a weapon. It was the primitive struggle of man to man for life.

"No," he growled. "No one can take my revenge from me. I'll do the killing." The emissaries fell back and went into the den. Balcom was making some final adjustments when the great rock separating the passageway from the Graveyard of Genius swung slowly on its balanced hinges.

Balcom, assisted by his Madagascan servant, was at the moment packing a trunk, perhaps preparatory to a hasty flight, should that become necessary. The moment the telephone rang he picked up the receiver and nearly choked with anger as he heard Dora's whispered voice over the wire.

Meanwhile, at Doctor Shaw's sanitarium, to which Balcom had telephoned with the permission of the doctor, elaborate preparations had been completed for the reception and transportation of Brent.

Eva, having left her father, came upon Locke in the hall, and there they stood talking for a moment, when the butler approached apologetically. "Begging your pardon, Miss Brent," he reported, "but I just saw Mr. Balcom go down to the strong-room with Miss Zita, and I thought you might like to know." "Thank you," nodded Eva, dismissing the butler and trying to show no concern in the matter.