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"Bell Baxter was haverin' awa in the shop tae sic an extent aboot the wy MacLure brocht roond Saunders when he hed the fever that a' gied oot at the door, a' wes that disgusted, an' a'm telt when Tammas Mitchell heard the news in the smiddy he wes juist on the greeting. "The smith said that he wes thinkin' o' Annie's tribble, but ony wy a' ca' it rael bairnly.

And I like best to talk with men." "I declare it is the dead man's brat I saved last night for Hugo's sake!" I heard my father mutter, "the maid with the girdle of golden letters." Presently a smile of amusement struggled about his mouth at her bairnly imperiousness, but he came obediently enough and sat down.

"So she will be, indeed!" says Catriona. "But I will never forgive her for all that. I will never, never forgive her, and let me hear tell of her no more." "Well," said I, "this beats all that ever came to my knowledge; and I wonder that you can indulge yourself in such bairnly whims.

"Bell Baxter was haverin' awa in the shop tae sic an extent aboot the wy MacLure brocht roond Saunders when he hed the fever that a' gied oot at the door, a wes that disgusted, an' a'm telt when Tammas Mitchell heard the news in the smiddy he wes juist on the greeting. "The smith said that he wes thinkin' o' Annie's tribble, but ony wy a' ca' it rael bairnly.

"But for these play-acting postures, you can go to others." "O Davie!" she said. "Not if I was to beg you?" I bethought me I was fighting with a woman, which is the same as to say a child, and that upon a point entirely formal. "I think it a bairnly thing," I said, "not worthy in you to ask, or me to render.

Yon's a bonny knock , but it'll no gang; and the napery's by ordnar. Bonny, bairnly braws; it's for the like o' them folk sells the peace of God that passeth understanding; it's for the like o' them, an' maybe no even sae muckle worth, folk daunton God to His face and burn in muckle hell; and it's for that reason the Scripture ca's them, as I read the passage, the accursed thing.

It was as well that these good men walked in a vain show, for, as a matter of fact, their hearers were painfully alive. "Whar did yon wakely body come frae, Burnbrae? it wes licht wark the day. There wes nae thocht worth mentionin', and onything he hed wes eked oot by repeetition. Tae sae naethin' o' bairnly stories." "He lives aboot England, a'm telt, an' dis a feck o' gude in his ain place.

"But for these play-acting postures, you can go to others." "O Davie!" she said. "Not if I was to beg you?" I bethought me I was fighting with a woman, which is the same as to say a child, and that upon a point entirely formal. "I think it a bairnly thing," I said, "not worthy in you to ask, or me to render.

Jeames regarded it for some time with interest, and examined it with care. "It's a bonny bit o' carved work," he said; " a bairnly kin' o' a thing for shape mair like a timmer horsie; but whan ye come to the ornamentation o' the same, it's o' anither character frae the roon' spots o' reid paint an' sae's the sma' rubies an' stanes intil 't.

I had never much natural sympathy for the passion of love; but this unreason in my patron's wife disgusted me outright with the whole matter. I remember checking a maid because she sang some bairnly kickshaw while my mind was thus engaged; and my asperity brought about my ears the enmity of all the petticoats about the house; of which I reeked very little, but it amused Mr.