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The Red Sea is in many parts almost a maze of such reefs; and they abound no less in the West Indies, along the coast of Florida, and even as far north as the Bahama Islands.

Captain Semmes embarked on board the Bahama at Liverpool, on the morning of Wednesday, 13th August, joining the ship in a steam-tug, the Bahama having dropped down towards the mouth of the Mersey a few hours previously.

I brought some limes, oranges, and lemons ashore; and, finding it to be a good soil where we were, I planted several of them as a token to any one that might be cast away hereafter. This key, as we afterwards found, was one of the Bahama islands, which consist of a cluster of large islands, with smaller ones or keys, as they are called, interspersed among them.

It made a fine defence, in fact, it was simply out of sight," concluded the fun-loving Rover. "Say, you " began Bahama Bill. "You er you say, I can't say another word, I can't! The idee o' building a wall o' fog! Why, say " What the old tar wanted to say, or wanted them to say, will never be known, for at that instant came a loud cry from the bow.

At the end of the third day the last coal was used, and then everything that would burn was shoved into the furnaces, main-mast, bulwarks, deck cabin, with cotton and turpentine to aid, and these only sufficed to carry them into a Bahama Island, still sixty miles from Nassau. They were not there two hours before they saw a Federal steamer glide slowly past, eying them as the fox eyed the grapes.

In the year 1684, he happened to hear of a Spanish ship, which had been cast away near the Bahama Islands, and which was supposed to contain a great deal of gold and silver. Phips went to the place in a small vessel, hoping that he should be able to recover some of the treasure from the wreck. He did not succeed, however, in fishing up gold and silver enough to pay the expenses of his voyage.

"You, too, El Demonio?" inquired the general. "Yes, sir; if you please." "But how? How can you take two women and a sick man- "We'll manage somehow," O'Reilly declared. "It isn't far across to the Bahama Banks." "True. That's the route of our underground our undersea railroad. As you probably know, there is a venturesome countryman of yours who carries our despatches by that way.

One specimen was shown to us which had developed to the size of the human hand from a single leaf carelessly pinned by a guest to one of the chamber walls of the hotel. There are said to be six hundred of the Bahama islands, large and small, of which Nassau is the capital, and there, as already intimated, the English Governor-General resides.

If those on the Josephine capture our steam yacht I don't know what we are going to do." "Well, we won't give up the treasure, no matter what happens," said Dick, stoutly. Mr. Rover calculated that the treasure was worth more than Bahama Bill had said.

It was some detail of account, which, being despatched, the man shuffled off, with evident reluctance, casting a long inquisitive look at us seated at the desk, and John, taking up the manuscript once more resumed: "... a sum of one million and one half dollars buried at a cay known as Dead Men's Shoes, near Nassau, in the Bahama Islands."