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The scirócco blew that day: Doolittle fell. At breakfast, one morning in the latter part of the month of March, Caper proposed to Roejean and another artist named Bagswell, to attend the fair held that day at Grotto Ferrata. 'What will you find there? asked Roejean. 'Find?

This he declined, pleading the fact that he had sound teeth. The dentista congratulated him, in spite of his teeth. 'But come! said Bagswell; 'look at that group of men and women in Albano costume; there is a chance to make a deuced good sketch.

Any amount of compliments, as usual, passed between the first six and the last three comers, prefacing every thing with desires that they would act without ceremony; but Caper and Roejean were on a high horse, and they fairly pumped the spring of Italian compliments so dry, that Bagswell could only make a squeaking noise when he tried the handle.

'Come, said Bagswell, 'come, after such an adventure, if there is one drop of any thing fit to drink in this town, we'll all go and get lushy. They went. They found a door over which hung a green branch. Good wine needs no bush, therefore Italian wine-shops hang it out; for the wine there is not over good.

Having found Bagswell, our trio at once marched to the Green Bough, which they saw was filled to overflowing with country-people, eating and drinking, sitting on rough benches, and stowing away food and wine as if in expectation of being very soon shipwrecked on a desert island, where there would be nothing but hard-shell clams and lemons to eat.

'Strikes me, quoth Caper, 'that this question of food touches my weakest point; therefore, let us go and dine, and continue the lecture at a more un-hungry period. But where is Bagswell? 'He is seeking adventures, of course. 'Oh! yes, I sec him down there among the billy-goats; let's go and pick him up, and then for mine host of the Green Bough.

I remember, in the Bohemian Girl, a song that will answer you, replied Caper; 'the words were composed by the theatrical poet Bunn': 'Rank, in its halls, may not find The calm of a happy mind; So repair To the Fair, And they may be met with there. 'Unsatisfactory, both the grammar and the sentiment, said Bagswell; 'it won't work; it's all wrong.

When he returned to Bagswell, he found the historical painter with eyes the size of grape-shot, at the sublime impudence of the man. He told him what she had said. 'Upon my honor, you Americans have a face of brass; to address a duchess you don't know, and ask her a question like that!

After asking its price, he offered a quarter of the money for it; to Bagswell's horror, the crockery-man took it, and Caper, passing his arm through the handle, was proceeding up the road, when Bagswell energetically asked him what he was going to do with it. 'Enter Rome with it, like Titus with the spolia opima, replied Caper. 'Oh!

In the first place, rank, in its hauls, may find the calm of a happy mind: for instance, the captain of a herring-smack may find the calm of a very happy mind in his hauls of No. 1 Digbys; more joy even than the fair could afford him. Let us go! Bagswell was a 'funny' Englishman. They went taking the railroad.