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The unions are hungry and scrapping among themselves, and the men want to go back to work. It's just that devil of a Heegan that holds 'em. If they see we've got a tug crew that'll go, they'll arbitrate, and we'll kill the strike. "'Yes, sir! says Collins, 'but where's the tug crew, Mr. Badrich? "'Right here! We three, and Murphy, the bookkeeper. Blast this idleness! I want to fight.

"It all come up over a dose of dyspepsia " "Back up," interrupted Kink squirming, "are you plumb bug? Get together! You're certainly the Raving Kid. Ye must have stone bruised your heel and got concession of the brain." "Yes sir! Indigestion," Billings continued. "Old man Badrich, of the Badrich Transportation Company has it terrible.

Sure it does most unnatural stream I ever see about direction and smells. "I was gettin' a good deal of enjoyment and infections out of him when old man Badrich ran back enamelled with blood and passe tomato juice, the red in his white hair makin' his top look like one of these fancy ice-cream drinks you get at a soda fountain.

I couldn't see her move none though, and old man Badrich blowed again expurgatin' himself of as nobby a line of cuss words as you'll muster outside the cattle belt. "'Soak 'em, I yells, 'give 'em all the arbitration you've got handy. If she don't open; we'll jump her, and I lets out another notch, so that we went plowin' and boilin' towards the draw.