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'Charley, says papa, not quite relishing this disturbance in the midst of a very interesting badger-baiting 'Charley, my boy, if you don't mind your P's and Q's, you and I shall fall out; mind that; and he again goes on with his sport; and mamma goes on with her teapot, looking not exactly like Patience on a monument. Such are the joys which await you, Mr.

When I talks of dog-fighting, I of course means rat-catching, and badger-baiting, ay, and bull-baiting too, just as when I speaks religiously, when I says one I means not one but three. And talking of religion puts me in mind that I have something else to do besides chaffing here, having a batch of dogs to send off by this night's packet to the Pope of Rome.

‘I’ve been breaking in the grey coltno easy business thatdirecting the ploughing of the last wheat stubblefor the ploughboy has not the sense to direct himselfand carrying out a plan for the extensive and efficient draining of the low meadowlands.’ ‘That’s my brave boy!—and Fergus, what have you been doing?’ ‘Badger-baiting.’

These persons are often very little educated; and young men possessed of from 1000l. to 2000l. a-year in stock, can sometimes neither read nor write. Cock-fighting, driving, and badger-baiting, are pursuits that occupy youths of this class very frequently; and a showy, tawdry style of dress, engages the attention of the young women.

Scarcely knowing what to say, I made an observation at random. "You show by your own conduct," said I, "that there are other things worth following besides dog-fighting. You practise rat-catching and badger-baiting as well." The dog-fancier eyed me with supreme contempt. "Your friend here," said he, "might well call you a new one.

The visit lasted till February 12th, four weeks and a day. Never was such thrice-magnificent Carnival amusements: illuminations, cannon-salvoings and fire-works; operas, comedies, redoubts, sow-baitings, fox and badger-baiting, reviewing, running at the ring: dinners of never-imagined quality, this, as a daily item, needs no express mention.

An otter-hunt the next day, and a badger-baiting the day after, consumed the time merrily. I hope our traveller will not sink in the reader's estimation, sportsman though he may be, when I inform him, that on this last occasion, after young Pepper had lost a fore-foot, and Mustard the second had been nearly throttled, he begged, as a particular and personal favour of Mr.

When I talks of dog-fighting, I of course means rat-catching and badger-baiting, ay, and bull-baiting too, just as when I speaks religiously, when I says one I means not one but three. And talking of religion puts me in mind that I have something else to do besides chaffing here, having a batch of dogs to send off by this night's packet to the Pope of Rome."

Betting, card-playing, ferret-breeding and dog-fancying, poaching and politics, are the occupations of the populace. A little illicit badger-baiting is varied by a little vicar-baiting; the mass of the inhabitants are the reddest of Reds. Que voulez-vous? The edges of some large estates come up near, but the owners would hardly like to institute a persecution of these turbulent folk.

When I talks of dog-fighting, I of course means rat-catching, and badger-baiting, ay, and bull-baiting too, just as when I speaks religiously, when I says one I means not one but three. And talking of religion puts me in mind that I have something else to do besides chaffing here, having a batch of dogs to send off by this night’s packet to the Pope of Rome.’