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"Studying philosophy at the Baden Kursaal strikes me as a real intellectual feat." "Don't you think we need a little philosophy here?" "By all means what we bring with us. But I should n't attempt the use of the text-book on the spot." "You should n't speak of yourself as if you were not clever," said Mrs. Vivian. "Every one says you are so very clever."

The Kings of Spain, of Naples, of Prussia, of Portugal, and of Etruria have admitted him a knight-companion, as well as the Electors of Bavaria, Hesse, and Baden, and the Pope of Rome. In return he has appointed these Princes his grand officers of HIS Legion of Honour, the highest rank of his newly instituted Imperial Order.

It takes more courage to live for the long struggle than to go out and be shot. He wanted the comrades to wait patiently and to do all they could to persuade their friends in Paris not to follow Herwegh's advice. Most of the Germans in Paris followed Karl's advice, but a few followed Herwegh and marched into Baden later on, to be scattered by the regular troops as chaff is scattered by the wind.

There is no record of his having gone at all. His unjustifiable conduct toward the Imperial family, while at Töplitz with Goethe, has been touched on in a previous chapter. Frimmel states that something similar occurred at Baden, but does not give his authority. Beethoven arraigned the Judiciary, even when writing conciliatory letters to the judges.

The strain, of course, followed Haddington to Baden; it was among his most precious appurtenances; and Ayre, relying upon it, had little doubt that he could succeed in finding Kate alone and unprotected. He was not deceived. He found Kate just disposing of her draught, and an offer of his company for a stroll was accepted with tolerable graciousness.

Good by, my dear, much love to Hortense and the great Napoleon." Hortense had joined her mother at Mayence with her two sons, meeting there her relative, Princess Stephanie of Baden, the Princess of Nassau and her daughters, many generals' wives, who had desired to be near the scene of war to get early news. With what impatience tidings were awaited!

But on no side was there any sign of suppressed chagrin on the first meeting at the table d'hôte, an hour after Grandcourt's arrival; and when the quartette of gentlemen afterward met on the terrace, without Lady Mallinger, they moved off together to saunter through the rooms, Sir Hugo saying as they entered the large saal "Did you play much at Baden, Grandcourt?"

That is why notices have been put on all trains which run through fruit districts, such as Werder, near Berlin, and Baden, advising the people to save their fruit stones and bring them to special depots for collection. Five pounds of fat treated with caustic soda can be made to yield one pound of glycerine.

"This half-earnest buffoonery produced not the slightest effect upon Gobseck. "'Am I not on intimate terms with the Ronquerolles, the Marsays, the Franchessinis, the two Vandenesses, the Ajuda-Pintos, all the most fashionable young men in Paris, in short? I draw my revenues from London and Carlsbad and Baden and Bath. Is not this the most brilliant of all industries! "'True.

It appears, also, that there prevailed in Baden the belief that Americans were exceedingly selfish and inhospitable, and regarded the poor emigrant only in the light of prey. John Jacob was determined not to land among such a people without the means of understanding their tricks and paying his way. In all ways, too, he endeavored to get a knowledge of the country to which he was going.