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She poised herself, leaning slightly backward, and held the iron ball in her right hand ready to throw it at him. He halted, still smiling villainously. "Mademoiselle, I assure you that your excitement is quite unnecessary. I am not here to harm you." "You cannot harm me, you cowardly wretch!" "Humph! Pride goes before a fall, wench," he retorted, taking a half-step backward.

He experienced a thrill of disappointment when he saw that she was not waiting, and, again consulting his watch feverishly, tramped backward and forward along the confines of the hallowed place. At last, certain from the fresh hoof marks on the yielding slope, that she had come and gone, he turned, and went slowly back to the mine.

"Art thou the wife of Swart of the Springs?" "Yes; and he told me not to quit the house till he came back. But that seems so long, long ago, and so many things have happened since, that " She paused and shuddered. "Swart is dead," said Glumm. On hearing this the woman uttered a wild shriek, and fell backward to the earth.

But still with backward glance the girl watched the misty wall that rose between her and the charmed river, and still with yearning heart confessed how sweet that brief experience had been, for though she had not yet discovered it, like

Richard at that instant thrusting a mug before him, his features changed to the grin of idiocy, and seizing the vessel with both hands, he sank backward on the bench and drank until satiated, when he made an effort to lay aside the mug with the helplessness of total inebriety.

By the bye, you can not say again that I am not impartial. What do you think Tom and I did last week?" "Read the New Testament backward?" "No, we went to a Holy Scripture Society meeting at Exeter Hall." "Hope you were edified," said Charles Osmond, with a little twinkle in his eye; but he sighed, nevertheless.

For my own part, I know not what to think of the death of Edward the Fifth: I can neither entirely acquit Richard of it, nor condemn him; because there are no proofs on either side; and though a court of justice would, from that defect of evidence, absolve him; opinion may fluctuate backward and forwards, and at last remain in suspense.

Alcestis Crambry had stolen, all unnoticed, to the rope and had attempted to use his feeble powers for the common good. When then blow came he fell backward, and, making no effort to control the situation, slid over the bank and into the water. The other Crambrys, not realizing the danger, laughed, audibly, but there was no jeering from the bridge.

Two or three minutes later, when the plantation buildings were out of sight, the young sergeant chanced to look back along the line. As he did so something in the sky caught his attention. "Look at that, sir," urged Hal, stepping out of the way of the column and pointing backward. Lieutenant Prescott uttered an exclamation of anger. "I wish we had men to spare.

And the worst of it is, it was true entirely. If I could but find a pretty cousin shut up in a convent you would see that I would not be backward in doing what had to be done; but no such luck comes to me at all, at all." "Quite so, O' Grady; I have had tremendous luck. And it has all come about owing to my happening to think it would be a good thing to take possession of that French lugger."