United States or Suriname ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

It's Cheseldine and his gang who are operating on the banks. They're doing bank-robbing. That's my private opinion, but it's not been backed up by any evidence. Cheseldine doesn't leave evidences. He's intelligent, cunning. No one seems to have seen him to know what he looks like. I assume, of course, that you are a stranger to the country he dominates. It's five hundred miles west of your ground.

"Push the boys in first," advised the other. "What do you think of this for an elevator?" demanded Tommy as he backed into the opening. "These fellows seem to be foolish like a fox!" George followed Tommy into the tunnel as the latter dropped down, and then the figure of one of the outlaws blocked the opening.

We trust that such an assurance, backed as it is by the solemn and earnest warnings of one who is not an enthusiast or an agitator, but one of the leading men in the Parliament of England, will not be without its full weight with those on whom devolves the duty of guiding and leading us in this crisis. The Bishops of England have a great responsibility on them.

Joe who had so recently thought it likely that he would die considered these actions with an icy dislike that was much deeper than anger. It was backed by everything he believed in, everything he had ever wanted, and everything he hoped for. And anger could cool off, but the way he felt about people who would destroy others for their own purposes could not cool off. It was part of him.

On this occasion also the public indulged in similar manifestations of delight, so that, backed up by universal favour, I could begin to consider the main business on which I had come.

All at once Amadeo, who was looking for some excuse to get into a row with the silversmith, cheated openly and took the pot. Manolo saw him cheat. Incensed, he threw his cards on the floor. "Here now, that don't go!" he cried. "I don't care if we are friends, you can't get away with that!" All the other players, angered, backed up the silversmith. "No, sir! No, that don't go, here!" they echoed.

As he strode toward me, fuming like an irate turkey cock, in an absurdly helpless attitude, I grasped his shoulder and backed him violently against a stall.

Thirlwell had imagined the lode an illusion of Strange's, but his disbelief was giving way. Then he forgot the others and thought about Agatha. In some ways she was like Strange, but she was made of finer and stronger stuff. She had his patience, but her brain was keener, and her resolution was backed by moral force.

If worst comes to worst I've got a " She stopped short. "What have you got, Imogene?" asked Mrs. Barnes. "Oh, nothin', ma'am. Only you just wait." So Thankful waited and Kenelm, perfectly aware of the situation, and backed by the counsel of his sister, became daily more independent. He did only such work as he cared to do and his hours for arriving and departing were irregular, to say the least.

My notes of this talk finish in this way, but the conversation left on me a deep impression of Oscar's extraordinary weakness or rather extraordinary softness of nature backed up and redeemed by a certain magnanimity: he would not leave the friends in the lurch who had gone bail for him; he would not give his friend away even to save himself; but neither would he exert himself greatly to win free.