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"Isn't it nice, Grandma Elsie?" she said, glancing at her little sister with a flush of pride in her skill, "a great deal better than I can do, though she's two years younger." "It's only because I couldn't run about and play like Lulu, and so I just sat beside Aunt Beulah and learned to hem and back-stitch and run and overseam," said Gracie. "But Lulu can do everything else better than I can."

"Mademoiselle," said Mademoiselle Borain, "am I to back-stitch this?" "Yes, do it firmly; I don't want to be making such an outfit as this every day." Sylvie put the same spirit of emulation into Pierrette's outfit that she had formerly put into the house. She was determined that her cousin should be as well dressed as Madame Garceland's little girl.

Our word "counterpane" is derived from "contre-poinct," a corruption of the French word for back-stitch, or "quilting" stitch, as it was called. This effect is enhanced if between the two stuffs there is a layer of something soft.

Keep young children in woolen dresses, to save them from the risk of fire. Every young girl should be taught to do the following kinds of stitch with propriety: Over-stitch, hemming, running, felling, stitching, back-stitch and run, buttonhole-stitch, chain-stitch, whipping, darning, gathering, and cross-stitch.

"Mademoiselle," said Mademoiselle Borain, "am I to back-stitch this?" "Yes, do it firmly; I don't want to be making such an outfit as this every day." Sylvie put the same spirit of emulation into Pierrette's outfit that she had formerly put into the house. She was determined that her cousin should be as well dressed as Madame Garceland's little girl.

The difference between them is that chain-stitch is done in the hand with an ordinary needle, and tambour-stitch in a frame with a hook sharper at the turning point than an ordinary crochet hook. The back of the work looks like back-stitch. Take in your needle a dark and a light thread, say the dark one to the left, and bring them out at the point at which your work begins.

Old silk dresses quilted for skirts are very serviceable, White flannel is soiled so easily and shrinks so much in washing that it is a good plan to color it. Cotton flannel is also good for common skirts. In making up flannel, back-stitch and run the seams and then cross-stitch them open.

There is a similar objection nowadays to some stitches, such, for example, as chain-stitch and back-stitch, which suggest the sewing-machine. Embroidery does not to-day take quite the place it once did. It was used, for example, by the early Coptic Christians to supplement tapestry.