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The next morning off they started again bright and early, and before long they came to just such another field of stones as they left behind them the day before. "Come, master," said Babo, "let us each take a stone with us. We may need something more to eat before the day is over." "No," said Simon Agricola; "we will need no stones to-day."

But if you will pay me a thousand golden angels, I will give you something better than a piece of advice. I will teach you all the magic that is to be learned from the books." "No," said Babo, "I am satisfied with the advice." "Very well," said Simon Agricola, "Born a fool, live a fool, die a fool';" and off he went in a huff.

"Let us each take one of these," said Simon Agricola; "they will be of use by-and-by;" and, as he spoke, he picked up a great stone as big as his two fists, and dropped it into the pouch that dangled at his side. "Not I," said Babo; "I will carry no stone with me. It is as much as my two legs can do to carry my body, let along lugging a great stone into the bargain."

The production of good wine is thus reduced to a mathematical certainty; although we cannot in a bad season, produce as high flavored and delicate wines, as in the best years, we can now always make a fair article, by following the simple rules laid down by DR. GALL. When this method was first introduced, it was calumniated and despised called adulteration of wine, and even prohibited by the governments of Europe; but, DR. GALL fearlessly challenged his opponents to have his wines analyzed by the most eminent chemists; which was repeatedly done, and the results showed that they contained nothing but such ingredients which pure wine should contain; and since men like VON BABO, DOBEREINER and others have openly endorsed and recommended gallizing, prejudice is giving way before the light of scientific knowledge.

There stood the cook waiting for them. "Look," said he, "my wife is sick in there; won't you cure her, too?" "Pooh!" said Simon Agricola; and out he went, banging the door behind him. "Look, friend," said Babo to the cook, "here I have some of the same medicine. Give me the two hundred pennies that the master would not take, and I'll cure her for you as sound as a bottle."

On their way thither, the two captains were preceded by the mulatto, who, turning round as he advanced, with continual smiles and bows, ushered them on, a display of elegance which quite completed the insignificance of the small bare-headed Babo, who, as if not unconscious of inferiority, eyed askance the graceful steward.

I do not, and I have sought the truth many years. Now I am trusting, because I feel assured He will do what is right. Tell me something about your life with your father." "Oh, things were so different there. Houses, and there were always servants, so you didn't ever need to fan yourself. Babo and Nalla were always about.

The condensation of vapor by absorption develops heat, and consequently elevates the temperature of the soil which absorbs it, together with that of air in contact with the surface. Von Babo found the temperature of sandy ground thus raised from 68 degrees to 80 degrees F., that of soil rich in humus from 68 degrees to 88 degrees.

"You might have had a dozen of the same kind, had you chosen to do as I bade you and to fetch them along with you. Born a fool, live a fool, die a fool," said he; and that was all that Babo got for his supper. As for the wise man, he finished his loaf of bread to the last crumb, and then went to sleep with a full stomach and a contented mind.

After Babo had travelled for a while, he knew not whither, night caught him, and he lay down under a hedge to sleep. There he lay, and snored away like a saw-mill, for he was wearied with his long journeying. Now it chanced that that same night two thieves had broken into a miser's house, and had stolen an iron pot full of gold money.