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A second arrow, however, accomplished its errand: the slain giant sinking prone to the bottom." "And now," added Mohi, "glance over the gunwale, and you will see his remains petrified into white ribs of coral." "Ay, there they are," said Yoomy, looking down into the water where they gleamed. "A fanciful legend, Braid-beard." "Very entertaining," said Media. "Even so," said Babbalanja.

"Well put, Babbalanja; come nearer; here, cross your legs by mine; you have risen a cubit in my regard. Vee-Vee, bring us that gourd of wine; so, pass it round with the cups. Now, Yoomy, a song!" And a song was sung. And thus did we sail; pleasantly reclining on the mats stretched out beneath the canopied howdah. At length, we drew nigh to a rock, called Pella, or The Theft.

"Better and better," said Media, "you but illustrate Bardianna's theory; that men are not sensible of their being bedeviled." Thus tantalized, Babbalanja displayed few signs of philosophy. Whereupon, said Media, "Assuredly his devil is foaming; behold his mouth!" And he commanded him to be bound hand and foot.

But to my sorrow, I marked that both Mohi and Babbalanja, especially the last, seemed not so buoyant of hope, concerning lost Yillah, as the youthful Yoomy, and his high-spirited lord, King Media. As our voyage would embrace no small period of time, it behoved King Media to appoint some trustworthy regent, to rule during his absence.

"And who is Tribonnora," said Babbalanja, "that he thus bravely diverts himself, running down innocent paddlers?" "A harum-scarum young chief," replied Media, "heir to three islands; he likes nothing better than the sport you now see see him at." "He must be possessed by a devil," said Mohi. Said Babbalanja, "Then he is only like all of us." "What say you?" cried Media.

With animated courtesy our host received us; assigning a neighboring bower for Babbalanja and the rest; and among so many right-royal, demi-divine guests, how could the demi-gods Media and Taji be otherwise than at home? The unwonted sprightliness of Donjalolo surprised us. But he was in one of those relapses of desperate gayety in-variably following his failures in efforts to amend his life.

True or false, so much for Mohi's Nora Bamma. But as we floated on, it looked the place described. We yawned, and yawned, as crews of vessels may; as in warm Indian seas, their winnowing sails all swoon, when by them glides some opium argosie. "How still!" cried Babbalanja. "This calm is like unto Oro's everlasting serenity, and like unto man's last despair."

Or, as old Bardianna has it, if not against us, nature is not for us." Said Media, rising, "Babbalanja, you have indeed put aside the courtier; talking of worms and caterpillars to me, a king and a demi- god! To renown, for your theme: a more agreeable topic." "Pardon, once again, my lord. And since you will, let us discourse of that subject.

Now the trio, thus destined for companions on our voyage, had for some time been anxious to take the tour of the Archipelago. In particular, Babbalanja had often expressed the most ardent desire to visit every one of the isles, in quest of some object, mysteriously hinted.

"I have been thinking, my lord," said Babbalanja, "that though the people of that island may at times err, in imputing their calamities to the Plujii, that, nevertheless, upon the whole, they indulge in a reasonable belief.