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"Baa-a!" said the sheep when they saw the children; but then, they always said that, no matter what happened. There were cows in this pasture, too, and Mary Virginia was afraid of them, even though she knew that they were the mothers of the calves she had seen in the barnyard. "Silly Mary Virginia!" said John, and Mary Virginia began to cry. "Don't cry," said Louisa.

Three woolly sheep and a fairy all at once have robbed her of all hope, and in the midst of it all she weeps as if her heart would break. Even when the nurse pulls one of the unresisting muttonheads, and it emits a loud "Baa-a," she stops only just for a second or two and then wails again. The sheep look rather surprised, as they have a right to.

"Baa-a-a-a-a!" sounded again, and then a funny black nose, followed by a head with curving horns on it, was thrust into the tent. "This isn't the Lamb!" cried the Monkey. "Indeed I'm not a Lamb!" was the answer. "I'm a Billy Goat! Baa-a! Baa-a-a-a! What's going on here?" he bleated. "We're going to have a show," said the Monkey. "I am going to be in it, and so is the Candy Rabbit."

A little girl with a rubber doll in a red woollen jacket a combination to make the perspiration run right off one with the humidity at 98 looks wistfully down from the second-story balcony of the smallpox pavilion, as the doctor goes past with the last sheep tucked under his arm. But though it baa-a ever so loudly, it is not for her.

And Mirabell was so careful that the Lamb never once cried Baa-a! as almost any other lamb would do if you pulled her wool. The little girl had made her Lamb nice and tidy, and she was going downstairs, Mirabell was, to see what Uncle Tim was doing, when Arnold came back from Dick's house with the toy fire engine and the wooden puzzle the sailor had made for him.