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His graces, his manners, his genius, his bon ton, and his bonnes fortunes, were the theme of every society. Verses imputed to him, some erroneously, some truly, were mysteriously circulated from hand to hand; and every one envied the fair inspirers to whom they were supposed to be addressed.

Why did he pace back and forth in his room with pinched lips? Why did he ring for the butler with the idea of sending this functionary for the notary, and then suddenly change his mind and give the butler something else to do? “Dépêche-toi, mon bon garçon,” screeched the parrot. In the course of three days the Baroness had five talks with her husband.

Paris is brilliant with everything that takes the eye palaces, arches, Bon Marche shops, arcades, colonnades, great open spaces adorned with statues, forest parks, elysian driveways, and broad boulevards cut through mediaeval quarters in every direction, as well for air as for protection from the canaille blockaded in the narrow streets.

But now, as he saw the girl, he gave a shout of joy which pierced the hearts of all. "Ah, you haf it! Say you haf it, or it is no use he mus' hang. Spik spik! Ah, my brudder it is to do him right! Ah, Loisette bon Dieu, merci!" For answer she placed the reprieve in the hands of the Sheriff. Then she swayed and fell fainting at the feet of Ba'tiste. She had come at the stroke of the hour.

Besides, they don't want to be seen. If a customs officer or a harbour official were to notice the boat now he would think that Le Bon was going out fishing for the night, but he would be sure to wonder what was happening if he caught sight of a woman on board. Funny, isn't it," she rattled on, "that Jacques should be called 'Le Bon, for he is the worst man in Marseilles?

Pest a beaucoup de marchands de chevaux, et qui leur en demanderoit deux mille bons les y trouveroit. Ils les vendent par écurie composée de dix chevaux, et chaque écurie est de deux cents florins. J'en ai vu plusieurs dont deux ou trois chevaux seuls valoient ce prix. Ils viennent la plupart des montagnes de Transylvanie, qui bornent la Hongrie au levant. J'en achetai un qui étoit grand coureur: ils le sont presque tous. Le pays leur est bon par la quantité d'herbages qu'il produit; mais ils ont le défaut d'être un peu quinteux, et spécialement mal aisés

Gre knocked at the door and startled me out of my wits. Hearing that I was awake, he had come in person to make his excuses for leaving me that morning. "Bon Dieu!" he said, looking at me, "the country has done you good already. Behold a marvel! Au revoir, David." I heard the horses being brought around, and laughter and voices. How easily I distinguished hers!

Raoul laughed, and pronounced the word "bon" in the emphatic manner peculiar to a Frenchman. Then, as the lugger was drawing swiftly in toward the rocks, he went on the forecastle himself, to keep a proper lookout ahead; Ithuel, as usual, standing at his side.

Still, the authorities were so anxious to encourage emigration from the United States, that they avoided any rigorous enforcement of the law. Each emigrant was required to be "a good Catholic," un bon Catholique.

He blandly wished Horace "bon voyage," and regretted that he wouldn't be there to the wedding in October. Kitty devoted herself to blushing beautifully, and darning many rents in a short daisy muslin skirt, "which I intend to wear a great deal, because Jack likes it, and so do I," she said, with a demure look at her lover, who laughed as if that was the best joke of the season.