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Azur, the father of Abraham, was a famous statuary and idol-worshipper, according to the ideas of Muhammadans. Alluding to the Hindu custom of the wife's burning herself with the corpse of her husband; in these cases, perhaps, fear of the priesthood, &c., is a stronger motive than love for the defunct. By the Island of the Franks, it is most probable that the author means Britain.

Then this hard, black soil must be repaved with green and yellow bricks or black and white flagstones. The vault must be starred with gold and sown with crossbows on a field azur, and the Marshal's cross, sable on shield or, must be set shining there." Of themselves the furnishings returned, each to its own place. Here and there were high-backed signorial chairs, thrones, and stools.

And it came to pass the same year, in the beginning of the reign of Zedekiah king of Judah, in the fourth year, and in the fifth month, that Hananiah the son of Azur the prophet, which was of Gibeon, spake unto me in the house of the LORD, in the presence of the priests and of all the people, saying,

where sleeps that which neither lives nor dies, that which has neither movement, nor change, nor extension, nor form, and which lasts when all else passes away. "Dans l'eternel azur de l'insondable espace S'enveloppe de paix notre globe agitee: Homme, enveloppe ainsi tes jours, reve qui passe, Du calme firmament de ton eternite." Geneva, January 11, 1867.

Large numbers deserted, and the governor, in the course of two days, thought it prudent to obey the orders which the rajah had, upon being made captive, sent to him to surrender. The next day the governor of Mortz Azur followed his example; and Vellore, and its three strong forts, were thus in the possession of the English. At Vellore, Charlie nearly lost one of his faithful followers.

I talked much to her, but it was of no use; she heard me, and sat silent like a statue. I then advanced, and laid my hand on her feet; when I touched them, they felt quite hard; at last, I perceived that this beautiful object was formed of stone, and that Azur had formed this statue. Tell me all that has happened to thee."

"O printemps sans pitie, dans l'ame endolorie, Avec tes chants d'oiseaux, tes brises, ton azur, Tu creuses sourdement, conspirateur obscur, Le gouffre des langueurs et de la reverie." Of all the hours of the day, in fine weather, the afternoon, about 3 o'clock, is the time which to me is most difficult to bear.

L'onde est en furie, Adieu patrie, Azur! Adieu, maison, treille au fruit mer, Adieu les fruits d'or du vieux mur! Adieu, patrie, Ciel, foret, prairie; Adieu patrie, Azur." "Hush, monsieur!" the girl said with a swift gesture. He looked and saw that Angers was waking. "If I live," he hurriedly whispered, "I shall be at the King's Cave to-morrow night. And you the horses?"

Moreover the spirit lifted me up, and brought me unto the east gate of the LORD's house, which looketh eastward: and behold at the door of the gate five and twenty men; among whom I saw Jaazaniah the son of Azur, and Pelatiah the son of Benaiah, princes of the people.

On retiring, somewhat after midnight, Miss Thurston paused while "doing her hair," and addressed Miss Chapman. "Did you observe, Hattie, how very handsome those gentlemen are? Mr. Burnham looks like a prince of the sang azur, and Mr. Salsbury like his poet-laureate." "Yes, dear," responded Hattie; "I have been considering those flowers of the field and lilies of the valley."