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Next Saturday morning my vessel, The Fair Lady, with her captain on board, sails at dawn from Charlottetown harbour, bound for Buenos Ayres. At this season this means a safe and sure return next May. "'Kenneth! cried Ursula. She turned pale and burst into tears. 'How can you think of leaving me? Oh, you are cruel! "'Why, no, sweetheart, laughed Kenneth.

After his death the Irish residents, in 1828, petitioned Archbishop Murray of Dublin for a chaplain. Accordingly the Rev. Patrick Moran was selected, and he arrived in Buenos Ayres in 1829. He died in the following year, and was succeeded by the Rev. Patrick O'Gorman from Dublin, who continued as chaplain during 16 years till his death in 1847. The year 1843 is memorable for the arrival of Rev.

Sin Sin Wa!" shrieked the voice, and again came the rattling of imaginary castanets. "Smartest leg in Buenos Ayres Buenos Ayres p'lice chop p'lice chop, lo!" "Oh," whispered Mollie Gretna, in the darkness, "I believe I am going to scream!"

One day what was known as the "sailor's dog" mysteriously disappeared. Some thought it had been thrown overboard, but it probably fell over accidentally, as the dog was universally held to be the least objectionable. Another, the strange dog, had to be poisoned. On the 10th January we met a German ship bound for Barbadoes from Buenos Ayres.

Nothing else seems to be known of Ayres though a head carved under the west window of the chapter-house is said to be his but in a country so long illiterate as Portugal, where unwritten stories have been handed down from quite distant times, it is possible that oral tradition may be as true as written records. Now it is known that João de Castilho was working at Alcobaça in 1519.

"Yes," replied Ramuntcho, "in our country it is a trade, like any other, where one may earn a living, as long as strength lasts and one may go from time to time to South America, you know, as Irun and Gorosteguy have done, and bring back twenty, thirty thousand francs for a season, earned honestly at Buenos Ayres."

'Since you left Buenos Ayres, I have had two letters, each containing twenty words, which gave me to understand that no answer could by possibility reach you. 'Humbug! You could have written to half-a-dozen likely places. Did I really say that? Ha, ha, ha! Shake hands again, confound you! How do you do? Do I look well? Have I a tropical colour?

Oh, what a lot of things seniors have to think about!" But the only thing to think about that evening was the arrival of the eight-fifteen train, which would bring Eleanor, the B's, Nita Reese, Katherine Kittredge, Roberta Lewis, and Madeline Ayres, together with two-thirds of the rest of the senior class back to Harding.

She flung herself face downward upon her bed, and sobbed long, hysterical sobs. Then Mrs. Ayres waxed tender. She bent over the girl, and gently untied ribbons and unfastened buttons, and slipped a night-gown over her head. Then she rolled her over in the bed, as if she had been a baby, and laid her own cheek against the hot, throbbing one of the girl. "Mother's lamb," she said, softly.

She gazed at the superb curve of her shoulders rising above the dainty lace of her corset-cover, and smiled undisguisedly. "I wish my neck was as plump as yours," said Rose. "Yes, she has a nice, plump neck," said Mrs. Ayres. While the words showed maternal pride, the tone never relaxed from its nervous anxiety. Lucy's smile vanished suddenly. "Well, what if it is plump?" said she.