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He takes no less than twenty-nine and a half of our years to complete his stately march around the sun, and his axis is a little more bent than ours; but, of course, at his great distance from the sun, this cannot have the same effect on the seasons that it does with us.

When, a short time previous to the commencement of the game, the Automaton is wound up by the exhibiter as usual, an ear in any degree accustomed to the sounds produced in winding up a system of machinery, will not fail to discover, instantaneously, that the axis turned by the key in the box of the Chess-Player, cannot possibly be connected with either a weight, a spring, or any system of machinery whatever.

He assumed that the primitive mass of cosmic matter which was destined to form our solar system was revolving on its axis even at a time when it was still nebular in character, and filled all space to a distance far beyond the present limits of the system.

East of this the range of the Alleghanies, nowhere more than eight thousand feet in height, forms a secondary or subordinate axis from which the watershed falls to the Atlantic." He was speaking very quietly but earnestly. No man had ever spoken to her like this before. "What a wonderful picture!" she murmured half to herself, half aloud, and half not aloud and half not to herself.

A good example of the pivot joint is found at the elbow, where the radius turns upon the humerus. Another example is the articulation of the atlas with the axis vertebra as already noted. The pivot joint admits of motion around an axis. Examples of condyloid joints are found at the knuckles and where the wrist bones articulate with the radius and ulna.

The little savages could not, or would net understand that the earth was like a ball, and not only turned upon its own axis, but made the entire circumference of the sun. A pair of globes could not be procured, and she taxed her ingenuity for a substitute.

When I had by this method about two-thirds filled the barrel, taking care to keep the axis of the rope in correspondence with the long axis of the barrel, I judged I had a sufficient weight for a first trial.

The edge of the plate was well amalgamated for the purpose of obtaining good but movable contact; a part round the axis was also prepared in a similar manner. "Conductors or collectors of copper and lead were constructed so as to come in contact with the edge of the copper disk, or with other forms of plates hereafter to be described.

"As only one areola belongs to each cell, and as in many cases where it exists in the common cells of the epidermis, it is also visible in the cutaneous glands or stomata, and in these is always double one being on each side of the limb it is highly probable that the cutaneous gland is in all cases composed of two cells of peculiar form, the line of union being the longitudinal axis of the disk or pore.

The luminous rays, in falling upon the selenium plates, z', modify the resistance that these offered to the passage of the current produced by the battery, B'. As this resistance diminishes, the intensity of the current in the circuit supplied by the battery, B', increases, the attractive action of the polar pieces of the magnet, M', diminishes, the equilibrium is destroyed, and the piece, A, revolves around the axis, i.