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But for a wretch like Awtry, I have not the slightest pity, and would hear of his execution with pleasure. If even there is no proof discovered of his being a spy, his brutality to Mrs. Wentworth merits punishment, and if only for that, I should desire to see him hung or shot.

Tell me Elsy," he continued, "tell me what caused my wife to be turned out of the city?" In compliance with his request, the girl briefly told him of the villainy of Awtry, and the infamous manner in which he had acted towards Mrs. Wentworth. She then went on to relate that, failing to achieve his purpose, Awtry had succeeded in having her expelled from New Orleans.

"Yes," Alfred answered, "but why do you ask?" "Oh, nothing in particular," he replied, "only in the event his being Awtry, you will have a double motive in finding out whether he is a spy or not."

After setting them on a table, Horace inquired what the charges were. "Twelve dollars, sah," was the reply. Horace took out his pocket book, and throwing the man a twenty dollar gold piece, told him to pay for the breakfast and champagne, and purchase cigars with the remainder. The negroes having left, Horace Awtry and his friend proceeded to discuss their breakfast and champagne.

"Rise, darling," he continued, "rise, and let us leave this place let us go where friends are." She rose up, and leaning on his arm, moved off, when he suddenly confronted Awtry, who had stood with anxious and palpitating heart for the closing of the scene. "Stay awhile, dearest," Alfred went on, as soon as he perceived Awtry, "Look at this man do you know him?" Mrs.

Wentworth made no reply, and he continued: "I hope that, after an absence of five years, the memory of the past has been banished from you. With me things have changed materially. The follies of my youth have, I trust, been expiated, and I am a different man now to what I was when I last saw you." "Mr. Awtry," replied Mrs.

Awtry took the little girl upon his knees and commenced caressing it, and, after remaining for a few moments in unimportant conversation, took his departure with the promise to call at some future time. As soon as he left Mrs. Wentworth sat down, and resting her hands on the table, spoke to herself on the visit she had received.

Awtry received the sentence of the court with haughty indifference, and was led back to prison, to await death by hanging.

Wentworth, on the safety of your husband," said Horace Awtry, after she had become sufficiently composed. "I assure you," he continued, "I feel happy at the knowledge of being the medium through which this welcome intelligence has reached you." "You have, indeed, proved a friend," she said, extending her hand, which he shook warmly, "and one that I feel I can trust."

The enemy had scarcely taken possession, than Horace Awtry and his bosom friend, Charles Bell, went to the provost marshal's office and took the oath of allegiance, after proving, entirely to the satisfaction of the Yankees, that they were Northern, and had always been Union men. Mr.