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"If ye dinna win her now 'Bonny Charley's now awa," he sung as Ryder, with a last darkling look at his vivid image, strode towards the door. "He's awa' all right and he'll be back again as soon as he can make it." With this cheerless anticipation of the evening's promise, the departing one stalked, like an exiled Stuart, to his waiting carriage.

Ye micht hae gotten a waur fleg gin I hadna come up, for Mr Beauchamp was takin' the bearin's o' ye throu the window, and whan I gaed up, he slippit awa' like a wraith. There ye lay, wi' yer heid back, and yer mou' open, as gin you and the deid man had been tryin' whilk wad sleep the soun'est. But ye hae ta'en to ither studies sin' syne. Ye hae a freah subject a bonnie young ane.

"She's awa to her Ennglish." Lizzy Johnstone. "Did we come to Veeneece to speak Scoetch, ye useless fule?" Christie. "Here, pale and hopeless, but resigned, stands the broken mairchant, Antonio; there, wi scales and knives, and revenge in his murderin' eye, stands the crewel Jew Shylock." "Aweel," muttered Sandy, considerately, "I'll no mak a disturbance on a wedding day." Christie.

"There was a road, Nicie, and I thought you would come after me." "I was a muckle geese, missie; but eh! I'm glaid I hae gotten ye. Come awa' an' see my mother." "Yes, Nicie. We'll tell her all about it. You see I haven't got a mother to tell, so I will tell yours." From that hour Nicie's mother was a mother to Ginny as well. "Anither o' 's lambs to feed!" she said to herself.

'Your honour sees I went down to yon place that your honour spoke o', that's kept by her that your honour kens o', by the sea-side. So says she, "What are you wanting here? ye'll be come wi' a broom in your pocket frae Ellangowan?" So says I, "Deil a broom will come frae there awa, for ye ken," says I, "his honour Ellangowan himsell in former times "

Come awa', factor, and let us hae a reel thegither!" "Wi' a' my heart, Jessie. And though I am on the wrang side o' fifty, there's none has a better spring than I hae." He had laid down his pipe, and taken her hand as he spoke, and tripping and swaying to the enchanting strains they went into the dancing hall together.

And there's a canoe missing from the beach, and I believe the auld Papist fule has taken the wee bit lassie wi' him, and thinks he can get to Ponape, whaur there's 'Katolikos' in plenty. And Ponape is sax hundred miles awa'." "Well, come aboard and get some breakfast." "Man, I'm going after the old fule!

I could neither mak the parritch, nor wash, nor spin, nor mak up a hasp o' yarn no, nor soop in the very house, to please her; and, though I tried, as far as was in my power, to do a'thing her way, it gae me mony a sleepless nicht, and cost him that's awa nae little vexation.

"I feel all the unkindness of it, Ailie, but it must be so; and that was the reason that I attempted to conceal myself from you, as I suspected you would not let me part from you so easily." "But whar are ye gaun, then?" said Ailie, once more. "Saw e'er mortal een the like o' you, just to come ae moment, and flee awa like an arrow out of a bow the neist?"

I'll juist stay on the trail and watch, and ye might hurry the least bit. The day's so bright it feels like storm. I can put the bairns on the woodpile to play until I get back. Ye gang awa and take the blessed little angel her beautiful hat." "Are you sure it will be all right?" urged Freckles. "Do you think if Mr. McLean came he would care?" "Na," said Mrs. Duncan; "I dinna.