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I care not who knows it, but I have a passionate aversion from the bestial practice of solitary feeding! 'You are welcome, sir, said I, 'if I may take upon me so far to play the host in a public place. He looked startled, and fixed a hazy eye on me, as he sat down. 'Sir, said he, 'you are a man not without some tincture of letters, I perceive! What shall we drink, sir?

No woman, so far as he could remember and so unusual an occurence would not easily have slipped his memory had ever begun his acquaintance with a distinctly expressed aversion, and the very strangeness of the experience was not without attraction for his eager and dominant temperament.

There is, really, in such a system of psychology, no room for self-expression, indeed, no meaning left for the term "self." It is only an inaccurate psychology, misled by language, which tries to show us the soul determined by sympathy, aversion, or hate, as though by so many forces pressing upon it from without.

But she refused him resolutely, feeling that to accept him would be an act of treachery to her son, though Dardanelov had, to judge from certain mysterious symptoms, reason for believing that he was not an object of aversion to the charming but too chaste and tender-hearted widow.

The Duke d'Enghien, therefore, unhappily held his wife in aversion; her mother-in-law, Charlotte de Montmorency, despised her; Madame de Longueville, her sister-in-law, did not esteem her; Mademoiselle de Montpensier declares that "she felt pity for her," and that was the gentlest phrase she could find to apply to a person who had so signally crossed her views and inclination.

In the matter of different objects of worship, too, it may perhaps be found that the same aversion to discard anything old and sacred manifests itself, the same disposition rather to carry on the old and the new together. We begin with that element in Egyptian religion which is to our eyes least rational.

Such were the circumstances which preceded and accompanied the birth of Etienne d'Herouville. If the count had no other reason for wishing the death of this disowned son poor Etienne would still have been the object of his aversion. In his eyes the misfortune of a rickety, sickly constitution was a flagrant offence to his self-love as a father.

Moore had turned down the hill, abashed and hurt at the reception of her offer; and her husband, proud to a fault, had forbidden her to repeat it. Nevertheless her motherly heart went out in a great tenderness for the little orphan David. She knew well the desolateness of his life; his father's aversion from him, and its inevitable consequences.

After his marriage he relapsed into his old habits of incessant work, broken by violent and often brutal relaxations. He insulted her friends and foisted his own upon her many of them well calculated to arouse aversion in any well-bred girl. He had Ghillini constantly at the house a homeless vagabond, whose conversation was impossible. I don't say, mind you, that he had not grievances on his side.

However brutally it may have been given, it is a medical opinion and as such I am bound to communicate it." Knowing but too well how bitterly my aunt's aversion to him is reciprocated by my father, I did my best to combat Miss Batchford's resolution without making matters worse by telling her what my motives really were.