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Avenel, or perhaps from that pure love of mischief by which metaphysical critics explain the character of Iago, and which certainly formed a main element in the idiosyncrasy of Mr. Fairfield had been seized with a bitter and insupportable jealousy. There was an intention to rob her of her boy! he was to be made too fine for her. His silence was now accounted for.

"Fear, perchance of my brother a mistaken fear, for Halbert would not, to ensure himself a kingdom, have offered wrong to an orphan; besides that, your title, in quiet times, even had your father done your mother that justice which I well hope he did, could not have competed with that of my brother's wife, the child of Julian's elder brother." "They need fear no competition from me," said Avenel.

Sir Piercie Shafton condescended to speak to no one but to Mary Avenel, and on her he conferred exactly the same familiar and compassionate, though somewhat scornful sort of attention, which a pretty fellow of these days will sometimes condescend to bestow on a country miss, when there is no prettier or more fashionable woman present.

And, with his light, firm, well-shaped figure, his clear complexion, his keen, bright eye, and features that bespoke the courage, precision, and alertness of his character, that is to say, features bold, not large, well-defined, and regular, you might walk long through town or country before you would see a handsomer specimen of humanity than our friend Richard Avenel.

Did they beat the minister, they would be carried out of the House in a fit. Richard Avenel despising both these gentlemen, and not taking kindly to the Whigs since the great Whig leaders were lords had looked with a friendly eye to the government as it then existed, and especially to Audley Egerton, the enlightened representative of commerce.

In fact, Leonard could conceive no other motive for Lord L'Estrange's request to take part in the election than that nobleman's desire to defeat the man whom they both regarded as an impostor; and this notion was confirmed by some inadvertent expressions which Avenel let fall, and which made Leonard suspect that, if he were not in the field, Avenel would have exerted all his interest to return Randal instead of Egerton.

"No, father, it was rivalry it was jealous rage it was the love of Mary Avenel, that rendered me the unnatural wretch I confess myself!" "Of Mary Avenel!" said the Priest "of a lady so high above either of you in name and in rank? How dared Halbert how dared you, to presume to lift your eye to her but in honour and respect, as a superior of another degree from yours?"

And though I thought it right to be above-board, and let you know where the danger lies, yet one thing I can promise, if I resign, you shall come in; so shake hands on it." RANDAL. "My dear Avenel! And your wish is to resign?" DICK. "Certainly. I should do so a little time after noon, contriving to be below Leonard on the poll.

And as for that black-whiskered alligator, the baron, let me first get out of those rambustious, unchristian, filbert-shaped claws of his, and then but jump in! jump in! and tell the man where to drive!" A very brief inspection of Leonard's invention sufficed to show Richard Avenel how invaluable it would be to him.

There is many a man whom we call friend, and whose face seems familiar to us as our own; yet, could we but take a glimpse of him when we leave his presence, and he sinks back into his chair alone, we should sigh to see how often the smile on the frankest lip is but a bravery of the drill, only worn when on parade. What thoughts did the visit of Richard Avenel bequeath to Harley?