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"Pyotr Petrovitch makes no secret of the fact that he had a cheap education, he is proud indeed of having made his own way," Avdotya Romanovna observed, somewhat offended by her brother's tone. "Well, if he's proud of it, he has reason, I don't deny it.

"Very well, come to me. And what about her?" Akim made no answer. "And me? Me?" Avdotya repeated with tears, "are you leaving me all alone? Where am I to go?" "You can go to him," answered Akim, without turning round, "the man you have given my money to.... Drive on, Yefrem!" Yefrem lashed the horse, the cart rolled off, Avdotya set up a wail....

"Brother, think what you are saying!" Avdotya Romanovna began impetuously, but immediately checked herself. "You are not fit to talk now, perhaps; you are tired," she added gently. "You think I am delirious? No... You are marrying Luzhin for my sake. But I won't accept the sacrifice.

"I began to be aware of it before, but was only perfectly sure of it the day before yesterday, almost at the moment I arrived in Petersburg. I still fancied in Moscow, though, that I was coming to try to get Avdotya Romanovna's hand and to cut out Mr. Luzhin." "Excuse me for interrupting you; kindly be brief, and come to the object of your visit. I am in a hurry, I want to go out..."

Avdotya Romanovna was remarkably good looking; she was tall, strikingly well-proportioned, strong and self-reliant the latter quality was apparent in every gesture, though it did not in the least detract from the grace and softness of her movements. In face she resembled her brother, but she might be described as really beautiful.

"I want to see Sofya Semyonovna," Dounia articulated faintly. "How do I go to her? She has come in, perhaps. I must see her at once. Perhaps she..." Avdotya Romanovna could not finish. Her breath literally failed her. "Sofya Semyonovna will not be back till night, at least I believe not. She was to have been back at once, but if not, then she will not be in till quite late."

This silence, however, was broken from time to time by some peevish remark from Akim in regard to some oversight in the housekeeping or in regard to women in general. For the most part Avdotya did not answer one word.

I have neither slept nor eaten, though Avdotya has treated me to a horrible brew of coffee...." "Allow me to send the coachman home to fetch some supper," said Raisky. "I would rather eat at home." "Perhaps you have no money," said Raisky nervously drawing out his pocket book.

What are you thinking about, Pyotr Petrovitch, it was you bound us, hand and foot, not we!" "Enough, mother, no more please," Avdotya Romanovna implored. "Pyotr Petrovitch, do be kind and go!" "I am going, but one last word," he said, quite unable to control himself.

"He loves no one and perhaps he never will," Razumihin declared decisively. "You mean he is not capable of love?" "Do you know, Avdotya Romanovna, you are awfully like your brother, in everything, indeed!" he blurted out suddenly to his own surprise, but remembering at once what he had just before said of her brother, he turned as red as a crab and was overcome with confusion.