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"Would you care to purchase?" a gentle feminine voice asked close by him. He raised his eyes and to his surprise saw a lady une dame, et die en avait Pair, somewhat over thirty, very modest in appearance, dressed not like a peasant, in a dark gown with a grey shawl on her shoulders. There was something very kindly in her face which attracted Stepan Trofimovitch immediately.

C'est la qu'il acquit la connaissance approfondie de notre langue; il en avait saisi les nuances delicates; il connaissait toute notre litterature. Je ne connais guere d'etrangers qui puissent parler, comprendre, ecrire le francais mieux que lui. 'L'allemand ne lui etait pas moins familier.

Aujourd'hui, avant ma visite au Ministre des Affaires Etrangères, ce dernier avait reçu celle de l'Ambassadeur de France qui avait tenté de lui faire accepter la proposition anglaise relative

The due answered: "Il y avait toujours la France." He didn't look overwhelmed, rather like some one who was detached from the whole proceedings. I saw his face quite well; it was neither false nor weak ordinary. It is difficult to believe that a French general with a brilliant record behind him should have been guilty of such treachery, sacrificing his men and his honour.

And, then, if he distinguished himself there, it would be time to think of getting him a sizarship." "Poor Pegasus in harness!" half smiled, half sighed, the dark lady. "Just the sort of youth," whispered Lord Lynedale, loud enough for me to hear, "to take out with us to the Mediterranean as secretary s'il y avait la de la morale, of course "

A l'occasion de l'arrivée du Président de la République Français le Ministre des Affaires Etrangères avait préparé un court exposé de la situation politique actuelle,

'In the evening, said Bunel, 'Lemonier en eut une crise de nerfs dans laquelle il avait perdu connaissance. Leaving the boys' sworn evidence, and returning to the narrative with its gossip, we learn that Thorel boasted of his success, and said that, if he could but touch one of the lads again, the furniture would dance, and the windows would be broken.

And all the court waited in perfect stillness while the windows were being closed! "Il y avait un courant d'air there was a draught," gravely announced the crooked man, as he rose to let the concierge pass. This latter had her views of a court so susceptible to whiffs of night air. "Ces messieurs are delicate pity they have to be out at night!" whereat the tribune snickered.

Nous avons dit plus haut que M.G.W.E. Russell avait connu beaucoup d'hommes marquants de ce siècle, et avait eu avec eux des relations personnelles. Il en fut de toutes sortes; leurs opinions religieuses et politiques étaient souvent très opposées, mais tous étaient au nombre des, notabilités du jour.

Sa jupe avait des trous, Elle aimait des voyous, Ils ont des yeux si doux. But one day a Russian prince had caught sight of her, and had built her a palace in the Champs Elysees; but the Russian prince and his palace bored her. The stopping of the carriage interrupted Octave's narrative.