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The patient's resistance was used up and, being exhausted he died. "Autopsy: Normal condition of the scrosa above the omentum: the appendix surrounded by adhesions embedded in fecal pus? gangrenous toward its terminal portion, and showing perforation; fecal calculus in the pus; appendix movable toward the cecum."

"An autopsy " "Nonsense!" cried Dr. Cairn. "Sir Elwin Groves had foreseen it so had I!" "But there are distinct marks of pressure on either side of the windpipe " "Certainly. These marks are not uncommon in such cases. Sir Michael had resided in the East and had contracted a form of plague. Virtually he died from it.

On the following day he vomited a bone about an inch long and died on the same day. At the autopsy it was found that there was a rent in the posterior wall of the esophagus, about 1/2 inch long, and a corresponding wound of the aorta. There was blood in the pleura, pericardium, stomach, and intestines.

One thing was brought out at the inquest: the body had been thrown into the river after death. There was no water in the lungs. The verdict was "death by the hands of some person or persons unknown." Mr. Holcombe was not satisfied. In some way or other he had got permission to attend the autopsy, and had brought away a tracing of the scar.

It may be well to extend the same caution to cases of simple peritonitis. Similar precautions should be taken after the autopsy or surgical treatment of cases of erysipelas, if the physician is obliged to unite such offices with his obstetrical duties, which is in the highest degree inexpedient.

"So late? that surprises me; yesterday morning I would not have given her the day: has the body been claimed?" "No, doctor." "So much the better we can proceed with the autopsy; I can make some one happy;" then, addressing one of the students, the doctor added, "My dear Dunnoyer, you have wished for a subject for a long time; you are the first on the list; this one is yours."

The top of Swift's skull had been sawed off at the autopsy, and a bottle in which was a parchment setting forth the facts was inserted in the head that had conceived "Gulliver's Travels." I examined the casts. The woman's head is square and shapely. Swift's head is a refutation of phrenology, being small, sloping and ordinary.

There is none, modern or ancient, which, if it has no living value for the student, will not teach him something by its autopsy. But it is with the live literature of his profession that the medical practitioner is first of all concerned. Now there has come a great change in our time over the form in which living thought presents itself.

Clifton, the chief of police, and one or two others among them Sweetwater made up the group, and carried on the conversation. Dr. Perry only was absent. He had undertaken to make the autopsy and had been absent, for this purpose, several hours.

It should also be stated, that during these seventeen days he was in attendance on all the cases of erysipelas in the house where the autopsy had been performed. I owe these facts to the prompt kindness of a gentleman whose intelligence and character are sufficient guaranty for their accuracy. The two following letters were addressed to my friend Dr.