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"Brother Frank," he began, "I want to bear my testimony to you that this is the work of God and nothing can stay its progress and all who interfere will be swept away as chaff" rising to those transports of auto-hypnotic exaltation which such as he accept as the effect of the spirit of God speaking through them.

That was the train of self-suggestion in his delirium. Mind, do you understand?" "He suggested to himself the name in his illness." "In the same way that he suggested to himself the existence of the woman whom he afterwards believed he loved?" "In exactly the same way." "It was all a curious and very interesting case of auto-hypnotic suggestion. It made him very mad. He is now cured of it.

It was not until he had wrapped his legs about the branches of the chandelier that the emissaries noticed what he was doing, so fascinated were they by the revolving mirrors. Even then they could scarcely resist the auto-hypnotic powers of the contrivance. Finally, however, with a shout they came to the attack. Locke was now hanging head downward.

A writer on the subject has said of this: "In too many cases, only the power of auto-hypnotism is manifested, and we have obsession, fraud and folly as the result. There is one sure method of detecting the auto-hypnotic trance, and showing the difference between that and the genuine spirit trance.

Others had died before during the Twenties, and death during the last round was in some ways easier than defeat. Breathing deeply, Brion softly spoke the auto-hypnotic phrases that triggered the process. Fatigue fell softly from him, as did all sensations of heat, cold and pain. He could feel with acute sensitivity, hear, and see clearly when he opened his eyes.