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You are getting into such a state of disgust with your books, that you'll end by espousing Mother Bobbery, you unfortunate victim of political ideas." "I disgusted I tired of my books I tired, when I have this glorious song to sing!" And at the top of his voice Sir Asinus chanted: "Aurum de Arabia, Thus et myrrhum de Saba, Tulit in ecclesia Virtus asinaria!"

So they lived I cannot exactly tell you how many days after this. But from that time to this it was held for a certain truth that Basche's money was more pestilential, mortal, and pernicious to the catchpoles and bums than were formerly the aurum Tholosanum and the Sejan horse to those that possessed them. Ever since this he lived quietly, and Basche's wedding grew into a common proverb.

There are many who hold with the boiling of gold in such a broth, but I will not enter upon the merits of aurum potabile as a fortifiant. I take it that in this case you will find beef and mutton serve your turn.

Luis de Leon en su celda, que habia venido á sus manos un libro estrañamente curioso, el cual le habia dado Arias Montano... y que en el principio del libro contaba una revelacion que habia tenido el que lo compuso, estando de noche orando, que vió en la oscuridad una luz, y que della oyó que salia una voz que dijo: Quomodò obscuratum est aurum, mutatus est color optimus! y que temiéndose este declarante no fuese algun mal libro, le habia mucha instancia que le dijese si habia en él alguna herejía, y que el dicho Fr.

Call you it pickling? Truly it pickled me. My life was saved by miracle." "By canary," said brother Michael. "Canary is the only life preserver, the true aurum potabile, the universal panacea for all diseases, thirst, and short life. Your life was saved by canary."

Mosaic gold, or aurum mosaicum, is used for inferior articles.

It is prepared in the following manner: 1 lb. of tin is melted in a crucible, and 1/2 lb. of purified quicksilver added to it; when this mixture is cold, it is reduced to powder, and ground with 1/2 lb. of sal-ammoniac, and 7 ozs. of flower of sulphur, till the whole is thoroughly mixed; they are then calcined in a mattrass, and the sublimation of the other ingredients leaves the tin converted into the aurum mosaicum, which is found at the bottom of the glass, like a mass of bright flakey gold powder.

It is one of the most powerful Solvents known in Chemistry: It is neither acid nor alcaline, and therefore is perfectly free from that saline Acrimony with which all the common Volatile Spirits abound: It has a greater Affinity with Gold than Aqua Regia has, altho' it will not dissolve it in the Mass, or whilst in it's Metallic Form; but if you add AETHER to a solution of Gold in Aqua Regia, it presently takes all the Gold from it's former Solvent, keeping it perfectly dissolved and suspended, without the least Precipitation; and becomes of a yellow Colour: The AETHER, thus saturated with the Gold, does not mix with the Aqua Regia, but may readily be separated from it by simple Decantation, and thus a true and safe Aurum potabile is readily prepared for those who want such a Medicine.