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Her aunt had secretly sent on to Ann Veronica some new warm underclothing, a dozen pairs of stockings, and her last winter's jacket, but the dear lady had overlooked those boots. These things illuminated her situation extremely. Finally she decided upon a step that had always seemed reasonable to her, but that hitherto she had, from motives too faint for her to formulate, refrained from taking.

My aunt fears for me, that I shall suffer from the cold, as the weather is by no means settled, although the season is forward, as compared with the last; but I shall take good care as to clothing; and John Easton saith we shall be but two nights on the way. THE PLANTATIONS, May 10, 1679.

"Glad to touch solid ground," thought Will, "though I be in my stocking-feet." He hurried to Aunt Stanshy's door, which had been left unlocked for his admittance, and opening it, stepped upon the entry oil-cloth. "Tick tick! Who comes here?" the old clock now seemed to say, loudly, solemnly ticking. "How I shall muddy this sacred floor! Can't help it, though!

"Oh, aunt!" exclaimed Annie, "you ought never to have asked her if you are going to treat her in this way! And what am I to say to her? What excuse am I to make? Are you not sick? Isn't something the matter with you?" "You can tell them I'm flustrated," said the old lady, "and that is all that's the matter with me.

He was a very objectionable person in my day, and that was where I drew the line; then three or four dinners at the least." "But, Aunt Randolph, how could we when baby is so poorly " "What has baby to do with it, Lucy? You don't have the child down to receive your guests. He would never be a bit the wiser, poor little dear.

Now our aunt could not bear us, and hated us to live in the same house with her, so she brandished the sickle, and we went away. That is all our story. And that is all this story. The White Wolf Once upon a time there was a king who had three daughters; they were all beautiful, but the youngest was the fairest of the three.

Bubb gave all due weight to social distinctions; she knew her "place," and was incapable of presuming. With Polly Sparkes she did not hesitate to use freedom, for Polly could not pretend to be on a social level with her aunt, and as a young girl of unformed character naturally owed deference to an experienced matron who took a kindly interest in her. There had been some question of inviting Mr.

And I have faith to believe that my prayer will be heard and granted." Aunt Elsie's motions expressed some surprise. "And is not that presumption on your part?" she asked. "Which? The prayer, or the expectation?" said Mr Craig.

So I may tell you that our aunt is still in the drawing-room. But really I couldn't stand her any longer. So I fled and left her there." "But but, I thought she was being so nice to you," faltered Margaret, at a loss for a moment to know what Eleanor meant, "and that you had taken a great fancy to one another." "Oh, she was all right," said Eleanor.

Florence, child, I wish it had been the will of Providence to have spared my brother, for if your Uncle Tom had lived I would not be in the sordid state I am now. If one of them had to go, why wasn't it your Aunt Susan?" "She is not my real aunt, you know," said Florence. "That's just it, dear, but she owns the money. Now, if she had left it to Tom he would have had me to live with him.