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Nevertheless, the song is learnt, more or less, and when the General comes to visit the hospital, Auger says to him: "Mon General, I can sing you a fine song." And he would, the rascal, if the head doctor did not look reprovingly at him. It is very dismal, after this, to attend to Gregoire, and to hear him groaning: "Ah! don't pull like that. You're dragging out my heart."

Jimmy Powers took off his cap and wiped his forehead. "You boys," he remarked politely, "think you are boring with a mighty big auger." "My God!" screamed one of the spectators on top of the cliff. At the same instant Wallace Carpenter seized his friend's arm and pointed. Down the bed of the stream from the upper bend rushed a solid wall of water several feet high.

Having thus imparted my intentions I ordered them to throw away every superfluous article; and a very valuable sextant, which had hitherto been carried turn about by Corporals Auger and Coles, was here abandoned.

Having gained a height of about thirty feet, he pierced a hole with his auger, fastened a stake in it, and descended amid a heavy cannonade of boulders and a smart fire of smaller debris.

Then Wylie caught up with his left hand a wooden plug he had got ready, jerked the auger away, caught up a hammer, and swiftly inserted the plug. Rapid as he was, a single jet of water came squirting viciously in.

Slowly, from the inside, Merriman began to bore. He made a sound like the nibbling of a mouse, but worked at irregular speeds so as not to suggest human agency to anyone who might be awake and listening. Hilliard, with his hand on the outside of the barrel, stopped the work when he felt the point of the auger coming through, and he himself completed the hole from the outside with his bradawl.

A great detective must have infinite patience. That is, the quality next to imagination that will serve him best. Indeed, without patience, his imagination will serve him but indifferently. Take, for instance, so small a thing as the auger used at the Ansonia. Coquenil felt sure it had been bought for the occasion billiard players do not have augers conveniently at hand.

"Yes, it was seen by the cab driver you took when you slipped out of the hotel in the telephone girl's rain coat." "You know that?" He nodded and went on: "This cab driver remembers that you had something under your arm wrapped in a newspaper. Was that the auger?" "Yes," she answered weakly. "And you threw it into the Seine as you crossed the Concorde bridge?"

It's a wonder they ain't sent you in to the Chink to borrow his meat auger, or out to the blacksmith shop for a left-handed monkey wrench, or something. Come on!" So that was it! Just another bit of stale ranch humour alleged humour as if it could be at all funny to have me saddle this wreck with the tenderest solicitude morning after morning! "Just one moment!" I said briskly.

And not one word from my pardner, though his excitement wuz so extreme that that night, jest about dusk, he rushed out thinkin' that he had got the murderer, and throwed the rope round Deacon Sypher, who had come over to borrow an auger. And once in a similer way he ketched Old Bobbet, his excitement and zeal wuz so rampant and intense.