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He had also brought a 'Faust' and Auerbach's 'Auf der Höhe, as he was anxious to improve himself in German, and he filled up odd spaces of time with the help of an Italian grammar. He was writing long letters to friends in India, although letter-writing in the other direction would be a waste of time.

Both knew this, and after a few polite questions about her future plans and studies, Maurice rose to take his leave. "Say good-bye to them both for me, and give Ephie my love." "I will. I think she will be sorry afterwards that she did not see you. She has always liked you." "Good-bye then. Or perhaps it is only AUF WIEDERSEHEN?" "I hardly think so."

Well, I must say good-bye or rather, 'auf Wiedersehn' and God knows how glad I shall be when that day comes! Capetown, April 19th. Dearest mother,

Letters to Malthus, p. 101. Ibid. p. 52. Ricardo, Works, p. xxiv. Menger's Das Recht auf den vollen Arbeitsertrag , p. 38. Works, pp. 29, 60. Ibid. p. 166. Ibid. p. 7. It is all the competition of the sellers. 'Demand' influences price for the moment, but 'supply follows close upon its heels, and takes up the regulation of price. Works, p. 234. Bentham's Works, x. 498. Stewart's Works, x. 34.

I had myself never been a great reader of his poetry, when I met him, though when I was a boy of ten years I had heard my father repeat passages from the Biglow Papers against war and slavery and the war for slavery upon Mexico, and later I had read those criticisms of English poetry, and I knew Sir Launfal must be Lowell in some sort; but my love for him as a poet was chiefly centred in my love for his tender rhyme, 'Auf Wiedersehen', which I can not yet read without something of the young pathos it first stirred in me.

Here is excellent evidence on the character of the offspring from an experienced ornithologist. Mr. Hermann Muller has come to this same conclusion with respect to those female bees which are the first to emerge from the pupa each year. See his remarkable essay, 'Anwendung der Darwin'schen Lehre auf Bienen, 'Verh. d.

Hatte Guynemer beim ersten Verstoss keinen Erfolg, so brach er das Gefecht sofort ab; auf den länger dauernden, wahrhaft muterprobenden Kurvenkampf liess er sich nicht gern ein. This is the filth the German paper was not ashamed to print. Repulsive though it is, I must analyze some of its details. An enemy's abuse reveals his own character.

My tutor, Karl Ivanitch, roused me at seven by striking at a fly directly over my head with a flapper made of sugar paper fastened to a stick. He generally spoke in German, and in his kindly voice exclaimed, "Auf, Kinder, auf; es ist Zeit. Die Mutter ist schon im Saal."

As she laid her hand in his at parting her eyes were full of wistful entreaty: "Be good to Buffo and my roan, and very, very good to yourself! I am coming back in the spring and so will say auf wiedersehen, not good-by. You will write me occasionally? It will be manna to me until I can get back to 'God's country' again!" His face brightened approvingly; "I like that!

The lifeboat went alongside and the Dewey stood by until every Teuton had climbed up the side. "Auf Wiedersehen and thank you, sir," called the German officer as the Dewey backed away and turned her nose out to sea again. The days that followed were crowded with colorful incidents for the band of Americans aboard the gallant little submarine.