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" Here she whimpered and wiped her eyes with the corner of her blue apron "But the fishing comes on no that ill, though the gudeman hasna had the heart to gang to sea himsell Atweel I would fain tell him it wad do him gude to put hand to wark but I'm maist fear'd to speak to him and it's an unco thing to hear ane o' us speak that gate o' a man However, I hae some dainty caller haddies, and they sall be but three shillings the dozen, for I hae nae pith to drive a bargain ennow, and maun just tak what ony Christian body will gie, wi' few words and nae flyting."

'Atweel, I am a simple body, that's true, hinny, but I am no come to steal ony o' his skeel for naething, said the farmer in his honest pride, and strutted away downstairs, followed by Mannering and the cadie.

'Atweel, I am a simple body, that's true, hinny, but I am no come to steal ony o' his skeel for naething, said the farmer in his honest pride, and strutted away downstairs, followed by Mannering and the cadie.

He could never maintain the lofty pose for more than five minutes at a time. "You're right, Deacon," he said, nodding his head with splurging sincerity. "I mean to have a demned good holiday. One's glad to get back to the old place after six months in Edinburgh." "Atweel," said the Deacon. "But, man, have you tried the new whisky at the Black Bull? I thaw ye in wi' Pate Wylie.

"Atweel, I am a simple body, that's true, hinny, but I am no come to steal ony o' his skeel for naething," said the farmer in his honest pride, and strutted away downstairs, followed by Mannering and the cadie.

" Here she whimpered and wiped her eyes with the corner of her blue apron "But the fishing comes on no that ill, though the gudeman hasna had the heart to gang to sea himsell Atweel I would fain tell him it wad do him gude to put hand to wark but I'm maist fear'd to speak to him and it's an unco thing to hear ane o' us speak that gate o' a man However, I hae some dainty caller haddies, and they sall be but three shillings the dozen, for I hae nae pith to drive a bargain ennow, and maun just tak what ony Christian body will gie, wi' few words and nae flyting."

"He just did, gin Mrs Kezia had nae had mair wit nor himsel'. She sent ye her loving recommend, young leddies, and ye was to be gude lassies, the pair o' ye, and no reckon ye kent better nor him that had the charge o' ye." "Sam, you put that in yourself," said Angus. "Atweel, Sir, Mrs Kezia said she hoped they'd be gude lassies, and discreet that's as true as my father's epitaph."

"God, ay!" he went on; "you're making a nice job of him. He'll be a credit to the house. Oh, it's right, no doubt, that you should neglect your work till he consents to rise." "Eh, the puir la-amb," she protested, dwelling on the vowels in fatuous, maternal love; "the bairn's wearied, man! He's ainything but strong, and the schooling's owre sore on him." "Poor lamb, atweel," said Gourlay.

As he dallied, a little aback from an open window, he heard a voice which he knew mentioning the Gourlays. It was Templandmuir who was speaking. "I see that Gourlay has lost his final appeal in that lawsuit of his," said the Templar. "D'ye tell me that?" said a strange voice. Then "Gosh, he must have lost infernal!" "Atweel has he that," said Templandmuir.

Atweel, ay, sirs, Gourlay has that morning's work to blame for the poor wife he has now. Him and Munn never spoke to each other again, and Munn died within the twelvemonth he got his death that morning on the Fleckie Road. But, for a' so pack's they had been, Gourlay never looked near him."