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Magnam occasionem certamque rationem emendandae Europae nobis attulit celeberrima Angloram per Cronium mare nauigatio: quae littora Septentrionalia Finlappie Moscouiaeque iuxta coeli situm, mundique plagas digesta habet.

Ovid tells, that when he prayed for the soul of Anchises, the custom was strange in Italy. 'Hunc morem Aeneas, pietatis idoneus auctor Attulit in terras, juste Latine, tuas. The 'Biblicae' Sortes, which I have seen consulted on the altar, are a parody on the 'Sortes Virgilianae. Our numerous altars in one church are heathen: the Jews, who are monotheists, have but one altar in a church.

It is upon yours and my children's account that I principally rejoice." Mrs. Atkinson rose from her chair, and jumped about the room for joy, repeating, Turne, quod oplanti divum promittere nemo Auderet, volvenda dies, en, attulit ultro. Amelia now threw herself into a chair, complained she was a little faint, and begged a glass of water.

Which may be further understood by considering the sympathies of these parts described in Class IV. 2. 1. 7. While the human animal is directed to the object of his love by his sense of beauty, as mentioned in No. VI. of this Section. Thus Virgil. Georg. Nonne vides, ut tota tremor pertentat equorum Corpora, si tantum notas odor attulit auras?

Here there was again the same hesitation, but as if impelled by the will of the exorcist she answered R. Grandier. Grandier. D. Dic qualitatem? What is his profession? R. Sacerdos. A priest. D. Cujus ecclesiae? Of what church? R. Sancti Petri. Saint-Pierre. D. Quae persona attulit flores? Who brought the flowers? R. Diabolica. Someone sent by the devil.

The enriching of the Latin language by this new and unknown word produced a great effect on the audience; however, Barre did not pause long enough to allow it to be received with all the consideration it deserved, but went on at once. "Quis attulit aquam pacti?" "Qua hora?" "An matutina?" "Quomodo intravit?" "Quis vidit?"

Aqua ista mire medicata, externe aeque ac interne adhibita, malis levamen attulit. Hiems altera, frigida, horrida, diuturna, innocua tamen successit. Vere novo casus atrox diras procellas animo immisit: toto corpore, tota mente tumultuatur. Patria relicta, tristitia, sollecitudo, indignatio, et saevissima recordatio sequuntur. Inimici priores furore inveterato revertuntur.

Here there was again the same hesitation, but as if impelled by the will of the exorcist she answered R. Grandier. Grandier. D. Dic qualitatem? What is his profession? R. Sacerdos. A priest. D. Cujus ecclesiae? Of what church? R. Sancti Petri. Saint-Pierre. D. Quae persona attulit flores? Who brought the flowers? R. Diabolica. Someone sent by the devil.

So the bailiff had to desist from his attempt to make the demon speak Greek, as he had before been obliged to give up trying to make him speak Hebrew and Gaelic. Barre then continued his examination. "Quis attulit pactum?" "Quale nomen magi?" "Quis Urbanus? Est-ne Urbanus papa?" "Grandier." "Cujus qualitatis?" "Curcatus."

It is upon yours and my children's account that I principally rejoice." Mrs. Atkinson rose from her chair, and jumped about the room for joy, repeating, Turne, quod oplanti divum promittere nemo Auderet, volvenda dies, en, attulit ultro. Amelia now threw herself into a chair, complained she was a little faint, and begged a glass of water.