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A mortal sadness encompassed him, and his nerves were like taut violin strings. It was within the walls of his skull, that he saw his mundane surroundings did not disturb his visions. And the waves of dolour swept over his consciousness. A mingling of tuberoses, narcissus, attar of roses, and ambergris he detected in the air as triste as a morbid nocturne of Chopin.

Next came rice-milk, so strongly flavoured with attar of roses, that the smell alone was more than enough for me; and now at length the last course was put on the table stale cheese made of ewe's milk, little unpeeled girkins, which my entertainers coolly discussed rind and all, and burnt hazel-nuts.

Roses attar of roses! Where had he heard of attar of roses combined with with what? And again the two wires would not touch but they were throwing a spark across the gap. Yes, it was Caldegard Caldegard had said something something of a foul man and a rotten stink. It was some story he'd been telling that first night at dinner. Then a glitter in the carpet.

Pless affably, as we felt our way down the steps. "Attar of roses," said I, sniffing. "Umph!" said he. It was quite dark and very damp in the underground passages. I had the curious sensation of lizards wriggling all about me in the sinister shadows.

The elaborate garlands which are used so largely as a complimentary gift to those whom it is thought desirable to honour are also valued for their scent rather than for any intrinsic beauty which they may possess. If the flowers happen to be defective in this respect the defect is corrected by the addition amongst their petals of powerfully smelling attar of roses.

It contains three hundred acres, and by the artful circumlocution of the paths, and the undulations, and the skilfully interposed clumps of trees, is made to appear limitless. The sylvan delights of a whole country are compressed into this space, as whole fields of Persian roses go to the concoction of an ounce of precious attar.

She knew that her depression would be interpreted by some as envy and jealousy, and she resented the false position it put her in; and yet she found it impossible to affect the enthusiasm which was expected from her over the Cashmere shawl and scarfs, the Indian fans and jewelry, the carved ivory trinkets, the boxes full of Eastern scents, sandalwood and calamus, nard and attar of roses, and pungent gums that made the old "Seat" feel like a little bit of Asia.

The gentlemen wear their hair in long curls; the ladies patch and paint their faces. If they haven't a pimple or a wart they make one. They wear gorgeous dresses. The gentlemen twiddle canes ornamented with dogs' heads or eagles' beaks, with gold tassels; carry attar of rose bottles in their gloved hands, and squirt rosewater on their handkerchiefs.

"I warrant there are pigment marks on his fingers even now." Kenkenes extended his long right hand to her for inspection. She received it across her pink palm and scrutinized it laughingly. "Nay, I take it back. Here is naught but henna and a suspicion of attar. He has been idle these days." "Hast thou forgotten the efficacy of the lemon in the removal of stains?" the sculptor asked with a smile.

Gold, silver, and jewels, as Pliny remarks, will pass to a man's heirs, even clothes will last a few months or weeks, but scents fly off and are lost at the first moment that they are admired; and yet ointments, like the attar of roses, which melted and gave out their scent, and passed into air when placed upon the back of the hand, as the coolest part of the body, were sold for four hundred denarii the pound.