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A stage runs from Puebla to Atlizco, but beyond that village the visitor must travel upon horseback. Atlizco is worthy of a special notice from its situation in a most fertile valley, and its peculiar location at the base of a conical hill. This hill, like every attractive locality in Mexico, is the scene of romantic traditions of the common people.

Strange appearances and stranger noises after a time were heard about the cave that is said to be in the top of the hill of Atlizco, and sometimes a ghost had been seen wandering about the hill by certain benighted villagers; and one time, when the accusing monk was returning rather later than usual from a drunken revel, this ghost who had now become the town-talk, chanced to fall in with him, and to give him such a beating as few living men could inflict, and then disappeared.

It was a bitter pill for the "Holy Office" thus to be tricked into the performance of a common act of justice, and in this way to lose a valuable estate. From this time onward, it is said that Inquisitors were never known to hold court with a Virey. At Atlizco horses must be procured for the journey up the mountain, for beyond this point there is no carriage-road.

Still there was no earthquake, and the sun rose and set as though no injury had been done to a priest. Time wore its slow course along, without any important incident occurring in this matter, until the reputation of the new Virey, Ravillagigedo, reached Atlizco.

Cortéz's "Letters," Folsom's translation, p. 71. This word mosques Cortéz constantly makes use of, apparently to keep before the people of Spain the idea that he Was conducting a holy war. A Ride to Popocatapetl. The Village of Atlizco. The old Man of Atlizco and the Inquisition. A novel Mode of Escape. An avenging Ghost. The Vice-King Ravillagigedo. The Court of the Vice-King and the Inquisition.