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Why, the doc was saying, just this morning, when we was speaking of having read about you in the paper he was saying that you were the kind of man we need for president of our country club, instead of some dude like that sissified Buck Simpson. Buck is as punk an athlete as he is a shoeman, and, believe me, Mr. Appleby, we've got the makings of a fine country club.

And so the good-natured athlete went over with it all, with a huge relish for the smallest detail, and others came in, until nearly all the male patrons of the school had assembled; and Bart informally, but with hearty unanimity, was declared the greatest school-master of his day; they quoted all the similar instances within the range of memory or legend, and this achievement was pronounced the greatest.

Within a few minutes Fort called from his machine; whereupon Mona located a landing-place, a small clearing dimly visible in the distance. The opposite wall of the chasm or the roof of the cave, whichever it was now approached to within five yards of the tops of the two machines. Mona and the athlete stepped out, and looked around. Billie's senses swam.

"Hang me if I don't get through the ventilator and see what it is." It was no difficult matter for an athlete like Gurdon to push his way through and drop on to the bed on the other side. Then he shook the form of the slumbering lad without reward. The boy seemed to be plunged in a sleep almost like death.

He loves the valor of Alexander and the grace of the Oxford athlete; but he loves them not for themselves. He has a use for them. They are grist to his mill and powder to his gun. His admiration of them he subordinates to his main purpose, they are his blackboard and diagrams. His patriotism is the backbone of his significance.

"It is an easy thing for a man in another profession to speak his mind, but silence such as yours, casting a shadow backward over your past, require courage: I honour you, sir." As he spoke, he laid his hand on Wingfold's shoulder with the grasp of an athlete. "Can the sherry have anything to do with it?" thought the curate. The fellow was, or seemed to be, years younger than himself!

Kerry stood up and slowly moved his square shoulders in the manner of an athlete about to attempt a feat of weight-lifting. From the Assistant Commissioner's table he took the envelope which contained his resignation, and tore it into several portions. These he deposited in a waste-paper basket. "That's that!" he said. "I am very deeply indebted to you, sir. I know now what to tell the Press."

The tribal territory was the property of all. The tilling, the fishing, the fowling were work which could not be neglected. The chief was not a despot, but the president of a council, and in war would not be given the command unless he was the most capable captain. Every man was a soldier, and, under the perpetual stress of possible war, had to be a trained, self-denying athlete.

"See Commodus first of all," said Lutorius. In the short interval since her former audience, those traits of which he had previously shown the merest traces had rapidly developed in Commodus into fixed characteristics. He had become what he remained until his end, an odd mingling of loutish, peevish school-boy, easy-going, self-indulgent athlete and superstitious, suspicious despot.

Well, she believes, from something I said one of those odd moments, you know that I'm a great athlete, and she told those cowboys that I'd gladly put on my spiked shoes and carry their colors to victory. You've heard about the phonograph?" Glass smiled wearily. "I can't hear nothing else. The gang is daffy on grand opera." "When I was accused of being an athlete I couldn't deny it, could I?"