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"Only a simple suffumigation," said the Baronet, "accompanied by availing ourselves of the suitable planetary hour." "Simple suffumigation? simple nonsensification planetary hour? planetary fiddlestick! Sapiens dominabitur astris.

Since 1830 the vessel sailing beneath a sky starred with fleurs-de-lys and with the device, Proelucent clarius astris, had disappeared from the seal of the City. The seal was merely a circle with the words "Ville de Paris" in the centre. Cremieux took the seal and stamped the paper so hastily with it that the words appeared upside down. But they did not sign this rough draught.

And you maun understand, that Davy Ramsay is no mechanic, but follows a liberal art, which approacheth almost to the act of creating a living being, seeing it may be said of a watch, as Claudius saith of the sphere of Archimedes, the Syracusan "Inclusus variis famulatur spiritus astris, Et vivum certis motibus urget opus."

In the tract on phlebotomy I see nothing modern, and here again he is everywhere dominated by astrological ideas "Sapiens dominatur astris." Geneva ed., 1658, Vol. I, p. 613. As a protagonist of occult philosophy, Paracelsus has had a more enduring reputation than as a physician.

But you cannot plant an oak in a flowerpot; she must have earth for her root, and heaven for her branches. "'Imperium Oceano, famam quoe terminet astris. "Rome was said to be broken by her own weight, but poetically; for that weight by which she was pretended to be ruined was supported in her emperors by a far slighter foundation.

Exceedingly common is this usage in Latin poetry, when the object is to generalize a remark as not connected with one mode of time more than another. Thus, The future; as, Sapiens dominabitur astris; 2. The present; as, Fortes fortuna juvat; 3. The past; as in the two cases cited from Horace.

The qualities of the dog are also expressed in this verse: 'Latrat in ede canis, nat in equore, fulget in astris. Et venit canis originaliter a cano is. So Garland, or his commentator, abridged. Of sal he says: Est sal prelatus, equor, sapientia, mimus, Sal pultes condit, sal est cibus et reprehendit.

Fairthorn catch glimpse of Darrell's countenance within ten yards of the porch, than, his conscience taking alarm, he rushed incontinent from the window, the apartment, and, ere Darrell could fling open the door, was lost in some lair "nullis penetrabilis astris" in that sponge-like and cavernous abode wherewith benignant Providence had suited the locality to the creature.

"Only a simple suffumigation," said the Baronet, "accompanied by availing ourselves of the suitable planetary hour." "Simple suffumigation? simple nonsensification planetary hour? planetary fiddlestick! Sapiens dominabitur astris.

Bella pares superis faciunt civilia divos; Fulminibus manes radiisque ornabit et astris, Inque Deum templis iurabit Roma per umbras." Here is the satire of Cicero's second Philippic reappearing, but with added bitterness. Being thus without belief in a divine providence, how does Lucan govern the world? By blind fate, or blinder caprice! Fortuna, whom Juvenal ridicules, is the true deity of Lucan.