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Why, how it would look for that pa to let some of his children heap up more money than they could use, whilst some of the children wuz starvin'? It would make talk and ort to." Mr. Astofeller said, "Millionaires are very charitable; look at their generous gifts on every side."

And bring up your sons to idleness and temptation, when you know, Mr. Astofeller, that it is Earnest Toil, wise-headed, hard-handed step-ma, that goads her sons on to labor and success. And it is not, as a rule, the sons of millionaires who are our great men. It is the sons of Labor and Privation that hold the prizes of life to-day and will to-morrow." And sez I, reasonable: "What is the use, Mr.

Mebby you're the very one to go on and try to straighten out the snarls in the skein of the nation's trials and perplexities, and I'll do all I can to help you," sez I. He wuz dretful impressed by my eloquence; he acted for all the world just as Mr. Astofeller did.

Over and over the drama has been played out, moderation and contentment, luxury and discontent, revolution and ruin, but I did hope that our republic, havin' more warnin's and nigher the millenium, wouldn't go the same old jog trot up, up up, and down, down, down. I wuz some in hopes they would hear to me, but I d'no." I could see that Mr. Astofeller wuz greatly impressed by what I said.

The Bible sez that in those days when the pure influence of Jesus still rested on his disciples that they had everything in common." Sez Mr. Astofeller, "Start ten men out rich Monday morning, and nine of them would be poor Saturday night, and the tenth one would own the money of all the rest."

And I described the feelin's I felt to see such droves of poor people out of work and starvin' for the necessaries of life, whilst a few wuz pilin' up enormous and onneeded wealth, and I sez: "Mr. Astofeller, what good does it do to heap up such a lot of money jest to think you own it and hide it from the tax collector?

I told the hall boy that he wuz out but wuz expected back soon, and in a few minutes he come back usherin' in a good lookin' man who said he wuz anxious to see him on business and that he would wait for him. I knowed him from his picture as well as his card; it wuz Mr. Astofeller, a multi-millionaire, who had got his enormous wealth from trusts and monopolies.

Astofeller, than to leave jest money for a fashionable wife and golf-playin' sons to run through?" Mr. Astofeller said he believed it wuz better; he looked real convinced. And seein' him in this softened frame of mind I went on and brung up a number of incidents provin' that the great folks of the past had held a good many of my idees in regard to wealth. I reminded him of Mr.

Astofeller, "Where would the world be to-day if it wuzn't for rich people building railroads, stringing telegraph and telephone wires, binding the cities and continents together?" "Yes," sez I, "I set store by what they've done, just as I do on them good old creeters who used to carry the mails in their saddle-bags for so much a year.

Astofeller, of so much money, anyway? You can't ride in but one buggy at a time, or wear more than one coat and vest, or sleep on more than one bed and three pillers at the outside, or eat more than three meals a day with any comfort, so why not let poorer folks have a chance to eat one meal a day lots of 'em would be tickled to death to.