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"He wanted you for a wife not a model, my dear. You can buy models at so much the hour." "Oh, Marraine! You won't understand " Lady Arabella took the slender, work-roughened hands in hers. "Perhaps I understand better than you think," she said quietly. "There are other ways of assessing life than merely in terms of beauty.

Strategic, Policy, and Operational Application In assessing the future utility and applicability of Rapid Dominance, it is crucial to consider the political context in which force is likely to be employed. As we enter the next century, the probability is low that an overriding, massive, direct threat posed by a peer-competitor to the U.S. will emerge in the near term.

I am not meaning to imply that there was any kind of blameworthy insincerity in this. I am not assessing individuals. That is not fair. But in assessing the cause of our defeat we ought to be perfectly frank and admit that the country was not any more sure of us than it ought to be.

Prince, with genuine cordiality, critically and somewhat inimically assessing the car, which he referred to as 'she. Marguerite had remained in the studio. She was wonderful. She admired her husband too simply, and she was too content, but she had marvellous qualities of naturalness, common sense in demeanour, realism, and placidity.

Most of the occupants were of Althea's type richly dressed, quiet-voiced Americans, careful of their own dignity and quick at assessing other people's. A French family loudly chattered and frankly stared in one corner; for the rest, all seemed to be compatriots.

He had the misfortune of meeting almost the only British leader then in South Africa capable of instinctively assessing him on the spot at his true valuation; and like a timid poker-player with a good hand, he allowed himself to be bluffed by the flourishes of his opponent. He held good cards, but he feebly threw them down.

They did not want to pay servile dues to a baron, but preferred to substitute a fixed annual payment for individual obligations; they besought the right to manage their market; they wished to have cases at law tried in a court of their own rather than in the feudal court over which the nobleman presided; and they demanded the right to pay all taxes in a lump sum for the town, themselves assessing and collecting the share of each citizen.

Even so I have myself looked at a horse which I thought of buying, scanning his shoulders and hocks and paces. Even so must the old lords of Constantinople have looked at the slaves which the chances of war brought to their markets, assessing their usefulness for some task or other with no thought of a humanity common to purchased and purchaser. And yet not quite.

I said, 'You divine, beautiful, tender thing, now I'll go through the fire to get you...." Lucy had covered her face with her hands; but now she lifted it and showed him as it might be the eyes of an Assessing Angel. "You went through no fire at all. But you put me in the fire." But he continued as if she had said nothing material. "I had made up my mind to be satisfied.

This means the need to have the right shooter in the right place; locating and identifying the target correctly and quickly; allocating and assigning targets rapidly; getting the "shoot" order or general authority to the shooter; and then assessing the battle damage accurately. At whatever the unit level, Shock and Awe are provided by the speed and effectiveness of this cycle.