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She sang the pathetic old air much better fitted to the words than the so-called Irish melody of a later date with delightful artlessness. "What think you, doctor?" whispered Gay to Pepusch. "Can you see her as Polly not Peggy mind ye I'm fixed on Polly Peachum." "De girl ver goot voice has. But dat one song it tell me noting. Can she Haendel sing?"

"One can't be too careful in these times," said Nicky-Nan with feigned artlessness. "No, indeed! Anything I can do for 'ee in the way of barbed wire?" "No, I thank 'ee." Nicky-Nan's eyes had been wandering around the shop. "But I'll take this small sieve, now I come to think on it." "Certainly, Mr Nanjivell. One-an'-three. Shall I send it for 'ee? No? an' nothing further to-day?

His careless simplicity, artlessness, shyness, all the things that distressed her at first, were now accepted as the standards of conduct for everybody. In life as in other arts, the best artists grow from the complex to the simple, the tortuous to the direct, from pose to poise, from tradition to truth, from artifice to reality.

Habitually to be anticipating the simpleton in a particular person is the sure way of being sometimes the dupe, as he would not have been the last to warn a neophyte; but abstract wisdom is in need of an unappeased suspicion of much keenness of edge, if we would have it alive to cope with artless eyes and our prepossessed fancy of their artlessness. 'You talk of Chloe to him? he said.

The letter was long, involved, rather eloquent when she forgot herself and wrote herself, and intentionally very feminine, after the manner of supplicatory ladies appealing to lawyers, whom they would sway by the feeble artlessness of a sex that must confide in their possession of a heart, their heads being too awful. She was directing the letter when Marko Romaris gave his name outside her door.

The son of Monte-Cristo could not think of the lovely girl and her future without a pang that made his very heart ache. He, too, admired her beauty, her grace and her artlessness, but his admiration was confined within the proper bounds, and could he have seen her suitably and happily wedded, he would have rejoiced to the depths of his soul.

So stately, so majestic, and yet withal so simply gracious; full of such airy artlessness, at one moment she seemed an empress, and then only a beautiful child; and the hand and arm that seemed fashioned to wave a sceptre, in an instant appeared only fit to fondle a gazelle, or pluck a flower. 'How do you do? she said; and he really fancied she was going to sing.

The story of the man had run ahead his fight in the forest, that had added to the cubic stature of the American soldier; the artlessness of his life and the genuineness of his character, which as yet showed no alloy; the modest, becoming acceptance of illustrious honors paid to him in France. The people saw in this simple, earnest mountaineer the type of American that had made America.

"You see I'm all through bird study," Hervey said with amusing artlessness, "so I think you'd better adopt Erastus is that the way you say it?" "Orestes," Tom corrected him. "Pardon me," Hervey said. "Maybe you don't even care if I tell them what you did?" Tom queried. "Tell them whatever you want," Hervey said. "I don't care. What I'm thinking now is " "The next stunt," Tom interrupted him.

I asked her to come and sit on my bed, but she answered that she could not take such a liberty now that she was dressed, The simplicity, artlessness, and innocence of the answer seemed to me very enchanting, and brought a smile on my lips. I examined her to see whether she was prettier in her new dress or in the morning's negligee, and I decided in favour of the latter.