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It is sufficient that the living and breathing Galatea of the play should seem to embody the classic marble, that she should move about the stage with statuesque grace and that she should artlessly discuss the relations of the sexes in the language of double intent.

"Perhaps you're getting tired of my cooking?" Wallie suggested, artlessly. "I'm tired now if this is a spec'min of what you aim to feed us," John declared, suspiciously. "I bleeve you done it on purpose." Wallie did not deny it. "I'm holler to the toes and I can't work on an empty stummick," said Will, disgustedly.

Thode started as the forceful comparison fell artlessly from her lips, but at the final word a hot wave as of rage swept through his veins and receded, leaving him tense and cold. So his vision had not tricked him, after all. The man in the car had been no stranger. "I know. He almost ran me down, too." Thode set his jaw firmly. "Is this where we turn off?"

Belgrove artlessly. Lady Garvington frowned. "What horrid things you say." "I only repeat what every one is saying." "Well, I'm sure I don't care," cried Lady Garvington recklessly, and rose to depart on some vague errand. "I'm only in the world to look after dinners and breakfasts. Clara Greeby's a cat making all this fuss about " "Hush! There she is."

A great wave of thankfulness, of sacred joy, swept over his soul, only to be followed by a feeling of despair, darker and deeper than any he had yet experienced, for he knew that he should not, must not accept the priceless boon of her love which she had so freely and so artlessly yielded to him.

"Good morning, my dear Miss Merryheart," said Jacques, removing his glove and holding out his jewelled hand. The girl laughed artlessly, and gave him her hand, saying: "Good morning, sir; but you have mistaken my name." "Mistaken your name?" "Yes, sir; it is Martha." "And not Merryheart; but you are not responsible. Merryheart is your real name not Martha, who was 'cumbered, you know."

Their faces are impassioned souls; they fairly sparkle; each feature gleams with intelligence; each possesses a brilliancy of its own, especially in the light. Their captivating eyes attract or repel, speak or are silent; their gait is artlessly seductive; their voices unfold the melodious treasures of the most coquettishly sweet and tender tones.

And how soon it learns the meaning of a mother's smile, and the protection of a father's hand! How soon the fountains of affection are unsealed and the mystery of human love takes possession of the hear! But the tides of that love are controlled by no calculation, are fettered by no proprieties, but flow artlessly and freely. Humanity soon runs into deceit, and the sincerest man wears a mask.

"I'll be the same proud, overbearing old lady," she had told her lawyer, but she had been mistaken she could never be quite that again, for she had found too much pure delight in doing the little things Robin quite artlessly suggested little things which had not been easy at first and which had seemed to demand too great a sacrifice of her pride.

Willy Eddy, who was dreamily imaginative, and read the Sunday papers when his Minna gave him a chance and did not chide him for the waste of money, remembered things he had read about the swagger New York clubs. He smoked away and made-believe he was a clubman, and enjoyed himself artlessly. The sun got farther around and the south window was a sheet of burning radiance.