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The poor reader or spectator has no remedy; the compositions are secundum artem, and if he does not like them, he is no judge that's all. February 14 I had a call from Glengarry yesterday, as kind and friendly as usual. This gentleman is a kind of Quixote in our age, having retained, in their full extent, the whole feelings of clanship and chieftainship, elsewhere so long abandoned.

I went to him, and proceeded to unloose the bandages, which gave him considerable relief. I then replaced them, secundum artem, and with great tenderness, and going to the sideboard, took the lotion which was standing there with the other bottles, and wetted the bandages. In a few minutes he was quite relieved. "Perhaps, sir," said I, "you had better try to sleep a little.

In one word, if it be best and most fitting to write poetry in the style in which almost every one has been trying to write it since Pope and plain sense went out, and Shelley and the seventh heaven came in, let it be so written; and let him who most perfectly so "sets the age to music," he presented by the assembled guild of critics, not with the obsolete and too classic laurel, but with an electro-plated brass medal, bearing the due inscription, "Ars est nescire artem."

Being nothing if not mathematical and logical, he must prove the accusation secundum artem, and convict us not so much of error as of absurdity. The abstract world of mathematics and pure logic is so native to Mr. Russell that he thinks that we describers of the functions of concrete fact must also mean fixed mathematical terms and functions.

"No; but he is one of our first chemists; and this tramping philosopher of yours this Dousterswivel is, I have a notion, one, of those learned adventurers described by Kirchner, Artem habent sine arte, partem sine parte, quorum medium est mentiri, vita eorum mendicatum ire; that is to say, Miss Wardour"

I went to him, and proceeded to unloose the bandages, which gave him considerable relief. I then replaced them, secundum artem, and with great tenderness, and going to the sideboard, took the lotion which was standing there with the other bottles, and wetted the bandages. In a few minutes he was quite relieved. "Perhaps, sir," said I, "you had better try to sleep a little.

De Vita Propria, ch. xli. p. 149. De Utilitate, p. 350. De Utilitate, p. 357: "Nam in urbe nec collegium recipere volebat nec cum aliquo ex illis artem exercere licebat et sine illis difficillimum erat." He writes thus while describing this particular visit to Milan. Ill fortune seems to have pursued the whole family in their relations with learned societies.

Ostentanda artem, cf. 6: per anteponendo; also G. 15, note. Collegas. The governors of other provinces. The word means chosen together; hence either those chosen at the same election or those chosen to the same office. Cf. Procuratores. There was but one at a time in each province. There may have been several however in succession, while A. was Proconsul.

He would have conversed freely and with apparent unreserve; he would have yielded to all friendly advances, and made them himself; he would have shown the highest art by concealing art, in accordance with the hackneyed proverb, "Ars est celare artem."

There was some originality in one of our modes of defence, and which, not being secundum artem, might have provoked the smile of an engineer.