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Me, I come back with thees Basque for put heem in the calaboose." "But, Pablo, you cannot confine this man without a warrant." Pablo, too polite to argue with a guest, merely bowed and smiled deprecatingly. "My boss, hee's tell me put thees fellow in the calaboose. If trouble come from thees well, Don Miguel have the fault, not Pablo Artelan. If the señor please for let go the gray horse no?"

Of the blood that flowed in the veins of Pablo Artelan, thirty-one-thirty-seconds was Indian, but the other one-thirty-second was composed of equal parts of Latin romance and conceit. Pablo's great moment had arrived. Lowly peon that he was, he knew himself at this moment to be a most important personage; death would have been preferable to the weakness of having failed to take advantage of it.

"Artelan," he said, in Spanish, "if you will permit me to go, I will give you five thousand dollars." "If you are worth five thousand dollars to me," the imperturbable Pablo replied, calmly, "how much more are you worth to Don Miguel Farrel?" "Ten thousand! You will be wealthy." "What need have I for wealth, Loustalot? Does not Don Miguel provide all things necessary for a happy existence?"

There had been screams at first, mingled with Pablo's exultant shouts of victory, but by the time the river was reached there was no sound but a scraping, slithering one the sound of the vengeance of Pablo Artelan. When he reached the wagon road he brought the mare to a walk.

"I will give you twelve thousand. Do not be a fool, Artelan. Come; be sensible and listen to reason." "Silence, animal! Is not the blood of my brother on your head? One word " "Fifteen thousand, Artelan. Quick. There is little time to " Pablo rode up beside him and quite deliberately smote the man heavily across the mouth with the back of his hand.

Murray will serve it to him in his room, I think." She passed out through the kitchen, and found herself in the rear of the hacienda. A hundred yards distant, she saw Pablo Artelan squatting on his heels beside the portal of his humble residence, his back against the wall. She crossed over to him, smiling as she came. "How do you do, Pablo?" she said. "Have you forgotten me?

Once again a tragic scene had been enacted under the shade of the catalpa tree before the Farrel hacienda. The shock of a terrible, unexpected trend of events heralded by the arrival of Pablo Artelan and his victim had, seemingly, paralyzed John Parker mentally and physically. He felt again a curious cold, weak, empty feeling in his breast.

"But I don't want Kay to fall in love with Don Mike if he isn't going to fall in love with her," she protested, in her earnestness raising her voice, as was frequently her habit. The patio gate latch clicked and Pablo Artelan stood in the aperture. "Señora," he said gravely. "Ef I am you I don' worry very much about those boy. Before hee's pretty parteecular.

While the Parkers returned to the hacienda to change into their riding-clothes, Miguel Farrel strolled over to the corral where Pablo Artelan, wearing upon his leathery countenance the closest imitation of a smile that had ever lighted that dark expanse, joined him and, with Farrel, leaned over the corral fence and gazed at the horses within.

"Oh, I'm a sky-blue idiot," he half growled and left her abruptly. A snort to a hunter it would have been vaguely reminiscent of that of an old buck deer suddenly disturbed in a thicket caused her to look up. At the corner of the wall Pablo Artelan stood, staring at her with alert interest; his posture was one of a man suddenly galvanized into immobility.