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"Papa would be happier about Norman," said Ethel; "but I cannot fancy his liking it. And you you can't spare Meta, for Aunt Flora must go to the Arnotts' in a week or two more." "Suppose papa was to let me have you," said Flora. "If he wants you, he must come after you." Ethel gasped at the thought that her occupation at home was gone, but she said, "If I am not too awkward for you, dear Flora.

But I suppose we must be thankful for small mercies." "It is not Captain Arnott, it is his younger brother Anthony." "Anthony! Anthony, that youth who is reading for the Bar. Why, the property is all entailed, and he will scarcely have a half-penny, for his mother brought no money to the Arnotts. Oh, this is too much! To throw up Mr. Russell for an Anthony.

"By the way, are the Arnotts in Saratoga? I hope not, for they are such fanatics there is no comfort in meeting them, and yet one has to be civil. "Seems to me you do not enjoy the opera as well as usual, nor the hops either. What is the matter? Do you really miss me?

Whether his strength extended to his constitution was another matter. Mrs. Walrond, noticing his unvarying colour, which she thought unduly high, and the transparent character of his skin, spoke to her husband upon the matter. In his turn Septimus spoke to the old local doctor, who shrugged his shoulders and remarked that the Arnotts had been delicate for generations, "lungy," he called it.

"He is somebody you have never seen, Aunt. One of the Arnotts down at home." "Oh, that Captain! Well, I believe they have a decent property, about 2,000 pounds a year, but all in land, which Sir Samuel never held by. Of course, it is nothing like the Russell match, which would have made a peeress of you some day and given you a great position meanwhile.

Your father told me you had a bad cold and there's so much sickness about. You should be careful, Anthony, you know you're not too strong, none of you Arnotts are. Well, I suppose you are shooting, and most young men will risk a great deal in order to kill God's other creatures."